
Cory 1-844-332-2639 ext 407

The air in the nursery was thick with the scent of baby powder and… something else. Disappointment. Mine, mostly. I smoothed down the pastel-colored changing pad, trying to ignore the lump in my throat. “Liam,” I said, my voice softer than I felt. “Come here, sweetie.”

Liam, all two hundred pounds of him crammed into a blue onesie, shuffled into the room, his lower lip trembling. He knew…He always knew when he’d crossed a line. This ABDL was usually such a good little one, so eager to please. But the last few days had been… challenging. He’d regressed further than usual, refusing to eat anything but pureed carrots and throwing a tantrum when I tried to introduce solid foods. And then there was the wetting. Not just little accidents, but blatant defiance, puddles left deliberately on the pristine rug.

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First Christmas

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Wake up sweetie it’s your first Christmas! How exciting is this!! Are you excited to come downstairs and see what Santa brought you?

Now, if you think that all of the goodies under the tree are for you this year, then you’re probably going to be disappointed. Oh I don’t doubt that he will have brought you a few things for your first Christmas. But it’s more than likely that Mommy will be playing with them first…

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Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had invited company over almost every week during the holidays. With every visit, her guests would bring something. A wreath here, a Poinsettia there, a dessert or two as well. One night, she had a couple drop by and gift her and the family a panettone, only this one wasn’t a family favorite. It had nuts in it.

Continue reading “Naughty Ronnie can’t even behave during the holidays”


Amber 1-844-332-2639 ext 404

“Hey there CJ, you ready to go home?” I asked. “Yep yep, I wanna get outta here!” he replied, with great enthusiasm. “I know you’re excited. I’m glad you’re doing better. You’ve been such a good boy in the hospital,” I said as I wheeled him to the front entrance. “I’m not a boy, I’m a man!” CJ pouted, crossing his arms. “Well, you’ll always be my special guy,” I said, ruffling his hair.

CJ blushed, looking down at his hospital gown. He had been in the hospital for a week after an episode, and he was finally being discharged. The doctor had told me to monitor him, keep him settled and not allow him to get too rambunctious, but CJ was a hyper guy, so that was difficult. He really tested my patience and he really wanted to be bad, but I didn’t get upset, I was just happy to have him home. As we got into the car, CJ started fidgeting in his seat. “I’m so bored,” he complained. “Well, we’re almost home. Just be patient,” I said, patting his hand. CJ pouted again, but he settled down. When we got home, I helped him into

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Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

All those years when he would wake me up early on Christmas morning to rush downstairs and see what presents Santa had brought him, I wished he would sleep in. Or at least let me sleep in. But now that little Johnny isn’t so little anymore, I miss the Christmas morning excitement. He always had such joy on his face when he would shake me awake. “Mommy, Mommy!” His little voice would whisper yell. “It’s Christmas; get up! Get up!”

My room is quiet this year after the sun has come up over the snow-covered hills. While I should be grateful that I’m well rested, something just feels like it’s missing. I sneak down the hall to little Johnny’s room and see him still sleeping peacefully on his back. With dreams of sugar plums dancing in his head, I wonder.

Continue reading “Christmas Morning With Little Johnny”

Miqala 844-332-2639 ext 447

I adore my diaper babies. I love changing diapers, dressing up my babyboys or babygirls, putting them in soft cotton onesies, or dressing them to go out. Making my babies feel snuggled and safe in Mommy’s hands.

But as much as I enjoy spoiling my babies, I must be stern. As a good Mommy, I know I cannot over-spoil them. When my babies break the rules and disappoint me, they must be disciplined. Spanking Dirty Diaper Baby.

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Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

My BabyBoy is so irresistibly adorable! I just can’t stop posting pictures of him on my social media. Just like all proud mommies, I just can’t help myself. I just want everyone to see how cute he is. It’s so difficult to discipline him when he’s so precious. All he has to do is bat those long eyelashes. He knows he has mommy wrapped around his little finger. Those beautiful blue smiling eyes just melt me. And the way he smiles with his pacifier in just makes me want to kiss his cute little cheeks.

The other day I had to discipline him. But it’s so difficult for me to do it. So I had him stand in the corner with his back turned to me. I didn’t want him to see me. He knows that I’m so weak when it comes to him. And he knows exactly how to manipulate me to get what he wants. He’s very smart. That’s another thing that makes him so irresistible. He was standing there in his t-shirt and diaper. He looked so freaking adorable just standing there.

Continue reading “My BabyBoy”

Pumpkin Patch

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Hello to my precious adult babies. You have all been SO good lately that I feel like you deserve a little treat. It’s almost time for Halloween and I think it would be fun to get you all dressed up in a little frilly Halloween outfit and take you to the pumpkin patch!

I know this is your first year as an ABDL on Halloween which means it’s your first time at the pumpkin patch with mommy. To mark the occasion your diaper cover will even have a jack o lantern right over your bum. How adorable will you look crawling around with all the other babies? Making mommy so proud by being the best, and cutest, adult baby in the whole patch.

Continue reading “An ABDL Afternoon In The Pumpkin Patch”

1844-33-CANDY EXT 423

Jason grumbled as he waddled towards the entrance of the museum. He was wearing one of his diapers under his cargo shorts, and he could already feel the wetness seeping into the fabric. He’d had an accident on the way over, and he knew that his sister was going to tease him mercilessly for it.

“Aww, poor baby, did you have a little accident?”

Continue reading “Diaper Change at the Museum”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

Everyone kept telling me that I needed a toll free “MOM JULIE” number because everyone always wanted my motherly advice. So finally I thought that maybe this was the way to help others, which has always been my true calling. The calls started to trickle in. I began giving advice on homework, dating…girls and boys, cooking, finances, sex, and everything in between. I had become the “Mom” that everyone could come to for advice, and I was so honored.

Before I knew it,  I was changing diapers, nursing, breeding, and so much more. I couldn’t believe  the enormous need for a mommy. But I was so happy to oblige. Some just wanted to talk while others longed to be cuddled. There were those that craved to be dressed up like a beautiful little girl, some even wanted to cum like a girl. And many that wanted me to teach them how to suck cock and drink cum. Then there were the ones that wanted to fuck me or wanted me to fuck them.

I loved each and every one of my callers. I’m just naturally nurturing and love being a mommy. I enjoy every diaper change, as crazy as it may sound.

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