Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

I reported for my shift and collected all the files for my patients.  First, I met with the nurse for whom I was taking over patients.  She informed me that there was a particularly difficult patient on our wing today.  I assured her that I’d help him learn how to behave with a little Pamper punishment.  Then I proceeded through my rounds of introducing myself and collecting vitals for the start of my evening.  I entered Patient D’s room, read through his chart, and added a note that he struggles with incontinence.  He smiled when I entered his room and greeted me warmly.  I began to move through my usual checks and questions, asking him how he was feeling.

Continue reading “Nurse Zoey Gives Pamper Punishment”

First Outing

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Baby K adjusted to the transition from man to toddler phenomenally.  So, he earned his very first outing with Mommy.  I thought a trip to the pool would be perfect since today’s a beautiful summer day.  So, I packed his diaper bag and changed him into a fresh Huggie.  Then I walked him out to the car and put him in his brand new baby car seat.  Little babies ride in a car seat, I reminded him when he whined about the five-point harness being too tight.    He replied, “Ok, Mommy” like a good boy and settled down. I climbed behind the wheel and drove us to the public pool.

Continue reading “Baby K’s First Outing”


Snack or Diapers

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

When she was out of earshot, he let his finger graze the back of my thigh, and his voice got huskier than normal. “I see a snack I’d like to bite into.” I sat forward in the pool until we were eye to eye.

“What about your girlfriend?” He smiled and traced the edge of my bikini bottom. “She doesn’t have to know.”

“And your mom? She’s my friend!” I snapped, and he just laughed.

“We won’t tell her either.” I sucked my lower lip between my teeth and sighed. He was so cute; a deep dimple on the left side of his mouth always made me swoon. I looked back at the house and got a wicked idea. His mom babysat most weekends, and I knew she had diapers in the house.

Continue reading “Kaykay Diapers a Real Big Boy Part Two Snack or Diapers”

Daycare Fun

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

We all know that daycare fun is one of the best parts of being an ABDL. And I didn’t forget that I promised if you were good at day care mommy would give you special treats when you got home. Well I just spoke to your daycare teacher, and she said you were very, very good today. So I guess that means mommy needs to give you your treats as soon as we get home.

Continue reading “Daycare Fun For My ABDL Boys”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

You are definitely gonna need to catch up with part 1 first – so click here before you go on.

So the weeks and months went by as Mistress Laylene and her girls searched bars throughout the town. Luring in all the males that were left dazed by their sheer beauty. While hundreds were coming in, all being given the same treatment as Tom/ Tami. As Mistress Laylene drove from bar to bar, a shiver ran down her spine and her panties became damp. Wielding such powerful control over all pathetic loser males, attracted to her sheer beauty. She laughed wickedly as to how easily her plan was working, to decimate these small towns, of all males. Long ago Laylene had been done so wrong by males in her relationships that she had promised herself there would be revenge. The wrath of Laylene was in full motion, with no stopping it.

Continue reading “Mistress Laylene’s Academy Part 3”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

You are definitely gonna need to catch up with part 1 first – so click here before you go on.

There we were met with our 12th Day of Celebration. Standing there waiting for us were all 12. Wearing nothing but loin clothes as I pulled up. One of them opened the door and lifted Tami out. All 12 gathered and we proceeded down the stairs – almost like a procession. It is a special Sinful Day you know. Our favorite song from our favorite band played loud as the lights flickered and pulsated. Tami high in the air as they walked her towards the altar.

Continue reading “Tami and the 12th Day Celebration – Conclusion”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

I decided since it was his birthday, it was the perfect time to give him the big surprise I’d been planning for months.  It started with a bubble bath.  I loved how he thought he would be getting lucky.  He didn’t know that I had a Pamper boy birthday surprise planned for him.  I brought him into the newly redesigned guest room.  Me and his soon-to-be new Daddy spent the entire day converting and decorating it into a nursery.  I led him in with his eyes closed and then told him he could open them up and see his surprise.  At first, he was so confused as he looked around at the changing table, crib, play mat and toy, and new toddler clothing in the closet.

Continue reading “Happy Birthday Pamper Boy”

adult baby phone sex

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – XXOO Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

Adult Baby Phone Sex

You are definitely gonna need to catch up with part 1 first – so click here before you go on.

Laylene stood and watched and looked down upon Tami with an evil grin. Tami looked up helplessly as Laylene said: ‘’You won’t be needing these!’’ Then she crushed Tami’s little chestnuts to pieces with her 7’ stripper heel. Tami screamed through the gag, but all that was heard were muffled screams, like a little slut screaming through a pillowcase when getting fucked from behind. Mommy Laylene then turned to Anna and said: ‘’Now it’s your turn’’. Mommy Anna lifted her knee, and her metal stiletto came crashing down on Tami’s chestnuts, more muffled screams echoed through the gag, but only Tami’s mommies heard them.

Continue reading “Adult Baby Phone Sex – Tami’s Transition Into The Holidaze – Conclusion”

Naughty Baby

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

I have a new naughty baby that loves the idea of being exposed to other women. He told me that the thought of me outing him since he’s such an alpha male drives him crazy. So I decided to test him and see if he could really take being outed in front of all my beautiful friends.

Once a month I host a girls night at my place with all my friends and this time, instead of me serving the drinks and snacks, I had my new little ABDL friend do it. I dressed him in his diaper and a French maid outfit and told him it was his time to shine.

Continue reading “Naughty Baby Loves Humiliation – Part 2”

My First ABDL

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

I didn’t know how much I would love playing with babies until I was introduced to my first ABDL. I had a friend who confided in me one day that he loved dressing as a little baby boy.

At first I was a bit confused, but he explained that being dressed up, having naughty fun, and then being comforted by a sweet mommy made him so happy and content. I was really intrigued so I decided to look into the ABDL community.

Continue reading “How I Met My First ABDL – Part 1”