Sawyer 1-844-33-CANDY ext 455

I volunteer at the retirement home now and then. Call me a good person but honestly, I have a thing for old men.
As I walked down the hallway, I could hear the groans and moans of the old men around me.  These old fucks can’t even get it up anymore, should I stop being such a tease?
I finally made it to my usual dudes room, knocking on the door before letting myself in.

“Hey, old man” I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey, young lady” he said, looking up at me. “How was your day?”
“It was fine,” I said, sitting down on his lap. “But I’m glad to be here with you.”
He smiled, putting his arm around me. “Me too, young lady. Me too.”
I couldn’t help but notice the bulge in his pants. I raised an eyebrow, looking at him. “Is that a–”

Continue reading “Old Man Fingers”


Mercedes 1844-332-2639 Ext. 423

How would you like to have a chance to get real close to my perfect body again like you used to? You could watch me as I bend over with my cute ass sticking up when I put on or remove my clothing and panties. Teasing you daily, is incredibly hypnotizing. You wish you could be able to just have a touch, and even feel wonder how your cock would feel, devoured inside me. However, you aren’t worthy of that, and you are well aware of this fact. Just watching me from afar makes you go crazy over me.

Continue reading “Hypnotizing the cuck with my beauty”

Sawyer 1-844-33-CANDY ext 455

My last boyfriend and I had a pact. We only fooled around with other people when we were together. We loved threesomes and couple swaps. We been together for about 3 years and had a very fun and active sex life. It was heartbreaking when i discovered he was meeting with a girl from one of the couples we get with on the side, without me! Revenge was a must. I made some calls to his Dad, his step brother, and the girls boyfriend at the time. When he asked me if we could talk about it I told him when to come over and we would chat. Continue reading “Revenge Times Three”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Early Sunday morning, Daddy was lounging on the couch in just his boxers, watching ESPN with a cup of coffee in his hand. He looked exhausted and worn out after a weekend of fixing stuff around the house. I pranced into the room wearing just my panties and a tank top, stopping just before him with my hands on my hips. “Stallion ride!” I beamed.

“Kaykay, it’s too early, baby. Daddy doesn’t want to play.” He wouldn’t even look at me, just stared at the screen. I huffed, super annoyed, I wanted him on his hands and knees while I climbed on his back and pretended I was a Princess taming my wild steed. I stomped my foot and puffed out my lower lip in a pout.

Continue reading “Stallion Rides”


Mercedes 1844-332-2639 Ext. 423

Have you ever wondered what it would be like, to be shrunken down to the size of a snack, perhaps a biscuit? Well, imagine that you have stumbled upon my secret laboratory where I do a bunch of experiments. When you walk through, you are fascinated by all the lab equipment and machines I have throughout my lab. Then, something catches your attention, a large rectangular metal box with a drape covering it. You’re wondering if this maybe the prototype machine for an experiment I have been working on.

Continue reading “A Snack for a Giantess”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had been working all week when one of her colleagues enticed her to join Tinder. She did so reluctantly, as she never believed in online dating. There she met a nice gentleman who was single and wanted to take her on a old fashioned date. Miss Anna agreed and, like a gentleman he offered to come pick her up for dinner.

Continue reading “Mommy Anna’s Special Date”

Babysitter Cumtribute

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

I knew little Timmy had a Polaroid camera, and he was constantly snapping pictures while I babysat. I just thought it was a cute hobby. I didn’t realize the little creep was snapping photos of me to jerk off with later!

I found his pile of babysitter porn in his closet while he was at camp, and I was watching his little sister! So many candids of me just drenched in the little perv’s cumtribute!

Continue reading “Babysitter Cumtribute”

Sub Tamer Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

Normally I don’t have fantasies I share with you all, I assume you will not be able to grasp why they are floating in my head. However, I will share this one because I am sure it would make you all melt. I have this thing, where I walk down the street. Or maybe I am in a store, browsing the aisles. Honestly it doesn’t really matter all that much. The thing is, you’re there. And you see me. My photos on here are translated to real life and you get to see me, and I know your voice of course.

Continue reading “Gr-EAT Me, Sub”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

I could feel her calling me and aching for me. I came to her kissing her deeply placing her face in my hand. As I looked deeply into her eyes I knew she was mine. I will make her scream and moan my name. Everyone needs a little TLC.

Continue reading “Chronicles of Sherry – A Little TLC-Part II”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

After making his fantasy cum true, I was planning Vinny’s next step. He knew I had a plan and I’m sure he knew what it was. I got Eddie to help me plan everything since he has an underground sex room that’s like Fifty Shades of Grey. Being a personal trainer and fitness club owner, he’s into equipment! He has every kind of sex machine, and sex furniture that there is to have. I couldn’t believe some of the contraptions. I had so many questions and he had all the answers. He’s so knowledgeable about all the different toys and tools. I was so excited for Vinny’s next step!

I went over to Eddie’s early so we could make tacos. Soon Vinny, Charles, and Adrian arrived. We had some Mexican martinis and played some adult board games that soon led to Truth or Dare. Before we knew it, we were ready to head downstairs. I could tell Vinny was excited. I led him in and saw his eyes light up like a kid’s on Christmas morning when he saw everything. I took him over to the sex swing. Eddie strapped him in and we were ready to begin. There were

Continue reading “The Next Step For Vinny”