Nylon mommy's good boy


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

I call you downstairs. Come and help mommy! Mommy needs help putting on her nylons! I hear thumping as your run down the stairs in a hurry. You come down and find me standing, one foot up on a chair, the other standing still, in my garter, corset and bra. You reach for my nylon stocking, and your hands shake and quiver.

Continue reading “Nylon”

, Mommy's little devil Mommy's naughty boy

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy has been very frustrated. She tries and tries and tries, but you refuse to behave. Mommy even threatened that if you don’t smarten up, she is going to call the bad boy bus and they’re going to take you away to the bad boy house and you’ll never see Mommy again! But that didn’t scare you, not one bit! Every day my little devil thinks up more ways of how to misbehave. I don’t know how he has such a deviant mind. Come to think of it, maybe he got that from me… After all, mommy is no angel herself.

Continue reading “Mommy’s Little Devil”

Elaine  1844-332-2639 ext 250

I have always be a very bossy lady. So when my husband started acting like a whimp. I knew exactly what he needed. A strict lesson on who was running things. And a diaper to get his ass in line. So over night we became dommy mommy and the baby.

I got so fed up with his whinning. That one evening I just sat down beside him and told him your such a fucking baby. And since you can’t seem to get a handle on your attitude. I’m going to adjust it for you. He didn’t even put up a fight. He just shook his head yes. As I handed him the new bag of diapers I had picked up for him.

Well don’t just sit there I told him. Lets get one on you now. I kneeled on the floor beside our couch. Then patted the ground. He started to get up slowly when he realized I was serious. Pull off your clothes so I can get one on you. Your going to stay in diapers. Until you grow upand be a man.

He stood up and stripped off his clothes. Then laid on the floor. Looking up at me with a sad face.

Continue reading “Dommy Mommy And The Baby”

London 1844-332-2639 ext 439

Men are such losers. So lazy sitting around playing games all day. My boyfriend didn’t even want to get up to use the toilet. That is how he became mommy’s diapered gamer. I got annoyed with him having accidents. All the fucking time. And finding skid marks in his undies.

I was doing laundry. And every pair of boxers I picked up had long brown stains. I was disgusted. And to be honest tired of arguing about it.  I decided to diaper him right then. I marched right past him and out the door.

He didn’t even notice me leave. He was deep into his video game. And I was on a mission to find adult diapers. He’d had too many accidents wetting himself. Also the dirty drawers were a bit too much.

They wouldn’t even come clean in the wash. I ran into the local walmart and hurried to find a solution. Surprised at the huge selection of adult diapers. I guess there is alot of diaper boys out there.

I grapped a couple packs of the large ones. And headed up to the check out counter. To pay for them. I couldn’t wait to get back home.

Continue reading “Mommy’s Diapered Gamer”

London 1-844-332-2639 Ext 439

I swear my boy friend has the tiniest cock in the world . It’s very thin like a pencil . And the length of my piny finger . Ughh …. If he wasn’t loaded with cash . I would have left him long ago . The sex was horrible . I have a very tight cunt . But I couldn’t feel his loser cock at all .

Trying to give him some pussy became a chore . That I hated it with all my heart . I didn’t even want to give him a blow job . Because it felt like I was blowing a toddler . What a waste of a good man . His birthday was coming soon . And I knew he was gonna want some pussy .

But there was no way I was letting him fuck me . And I was sisck of his whinning and begging . He was starting to remind me of a baby . Then a light bulb popped on in my head . And I finally knew what to get him for his birthday . I jumped up and ran to the store . Searching for adult diapers . But none of them had pretty designs . So I got online and BOOM ! There they were adult crusiers .

Continue reading “Diapered A Tiny Cock Story”

Before The Virgin's Date Night

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

My sweet boy FINALLY nailed a date for this year’s prom! His whole life, he has been shy and reserved. He was more into gaming systems than girls, and for a while, I assumed he was either Asexual or gay. So you can imagine how special it was for me to watch him talk about how she wanted his tux to match her dress and that he was anxious about finding the right corsage to highlight his boutonniere.

He wanted everything to be perfect for his little queen, and that made this Momma’s heart so happy. The afternoon of their special day was more relaxed for us than his little dates. She was running amuck getting her nails, hair, and makeup done. So he said anyway. I was less than surprised when my sweet boy approached me and asked for a favor. He confessed to still being a virgin ( Momma knew) and asked for tips to ensure his date would enjoy their after-party.

Continue reading “Before My Virgin’s Prom Night”

London  1844-332-2639 ext 439

Sometimes my punishments can be a bit over the edge. Even though I do believe in spankings . I don’t think that it should always be the first option. So I was always looking for other ways like whats for diner phone sex .That is how I came up with my facesittingpunishment . Instead of making you skip dinner .I will be your dinner and smother you with my cunt.I’m getting soaked right now just from thinking about it. Making you lay down while I hover my juicy cunt over your face. Then slowly lower it down. It is always so much fun. When you know that you have the upper hand . They think they are about to have the time of their lives . When I suddenly drop my cunt hard onto the face and start to press.

And they realize what’s for dinner . Is turning into a facesitting session. Where I will smother them with my wet pussy. Just imagine thinking your about to suck some pussy. Then having one gringing visiously all over your face . And you having to give up all your control. While I pump and thrust it into your hungry mouth. Continue reading “What’s For Dinner”

•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

The other day I had received a question from one of you beautiful clients. He wished to remain anonymous  with giving me the name only as “Guest 6969” Classic. It was a rather interesting really, you’d think working for a phonesex company, it would be all about dirty hot sexy, kinky questions and other filthy related nonsense. The more I’m here, the more I see its like we’re all helping each other out in any way we can. Weather it be a quick nut, or a quick conversation to blow off steam before having your wife blow you. Continue reading “Dear miss Candice”

•CANDICE 1-844-332-2639, extension 233•

We all have a favorite part on us don’t we? Some people like the massive size of their biceps, some people like the size of their cocks. Lots of girls like the size of their tits, and the size of their tiny waist. If we’re going off a physical thing here, I’d say I love my ass. It’s not too big, not too little, it’s just right. I love when I feel a big hand squeeze my whole cheek and pull it back towards them. You can never go wrong with a fist full of cheek. Fist full of cake? What a funny thing to refer to.. cake. I like the sound of though “come get this cake” I’d like to cover my ass in frosting some time.. need someone willing to take a taste of that… Continue reading “My favorite body part”