Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403 // Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna was in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. Alas, there was the gentleman she met at spankings’ anonymous. But how did he know where she lived? And what was he doing on her porch? He looked just as surprised to see her open the door as she was to see him standing there! ‘’Hello…Anna.’’ He said. ‘’Hello, Ron…’’ she answered as they gazed into each other’s eyes and invisible sparks flew all over the porch. ‘’Can I help you?’’ Anna asked. Ron looked at her from head to toe, then grinned. ‘’ May I introduce you the spanking machine!’’ he said, as he pulled a blanket off from his device sitting on her porch. Anna’s eyes lit up like the fourth of July. It was like the answer to all of her prayers.

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