
XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

You are definitely gonna need to catch up with part 1 first – so click here before you go on.

Anyway, where was I?  Yes, her cousin ripped and ripped and ripped her tiny, not yet developed cunt.  With his massive, fully developed cock. 

What were you hoping for, Hannah, I asked. 

Well, if it was going to hurt this much I just wanted him to love me. 

Again with love, but I went ahead and asked anyway.

And did it feel like love as he hurt you and ripped you?  Well, he told me he was the only one who could touch me, and that made me feel special. 

Continue reading “Hannah Returns Even More Broken – Conclusion”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

You are definitely gonna need to catch up with part 1 first – so click here before you go on.

So the weeks and months went by as Mistress Laylene and her girls searched bars throughout the town. Luring in all the males that were left dazed by their sheer beauty. While hundreds were coming in, all being given the same treatment as Tom/ Tami. As Mistress Laylene drove from bar to bar, a shiver ran down her spine and her panties became damp. Wielding such powerful control over all pathetic loser males, attracted to her sheer beauty. She laughed wickedly as to how easily her plan was working, to decimate these small towns, of all males. Long ago Laylene had been done so wrong by males in her relationships that she had promised herself there would be revenge. The wrath of Laylene was in full motion, with no stopping it.

Continue reading “Mistress Laylene’s Academy Part 3”

no taboo

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

As I answered the phone, I could hear the excitement in his voice. ‘Hey baby, I have a fantastic idea for us tonight,’ he said.

I couldn’t help but smile, always eager to hear his ideas. ‘What is it?’ I asked, curiosity piqued.

I was thinking, why don’t we go to the park and find some little cuties to have some fun with?

My mind immediately went into overdrive. The thought of doing something so taboo and thrilling had my heart racing. We had done some adventurous things before, but this was on a whole new level.

Continue reading “No Taboo Phone Sex With Laylene”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – XXOO Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

Adult Baby Phone Sex

You are definitely gonna need to catch up first – so click here before you go on.

Certainly Tami was left in a total state of bliss and absolute frustration. Because every time she flooded and messed her diaper sensors on her sphincter and new vagina set off waves of bliss. She was becoming more and more conditioned like Pavlovs *** to associate pleasure of orgasmic bliss with every wetting and messing, but with an evil twist Laylene requested. The sensors could be activated by Laylene or Anna, from little shiny remotes in the shape of a paci worn round their necks. As Tami used her diapers like a good girl for her mommies Laylene and Anna set their remotes on auto, making them shut off abruptly.

Continue reading “The Visit – Conclusion – Welcome Tami – Adult Baby Phone Sex”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

I have always been a bit of a thrill-seeker, someone who likes to push the boundaries and explore the unknown. So, when I heard about a secret club that catered to people with darker, more perverse desires, I couldn’t resist. I wanted to go on a kinky adventure, one that would satisfy my craving for the taboo.

The club was rumored to be in an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town. It only opened its doors to a select few, those who were brave enough to embrace their darkest desires. I knew I had to be a part of it, and I was determined to find a way in.

After weeks of searching and researching, I finally found the entrance to the club. It was a small, unmarked door hidden behind a dumpster in an alleyway. I took a deep breath and pushed it open, my heart racing with excitement and nerves.

Continue reading “Always Craving the Taboo”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

You are definitely gonna need to catch up with part 1 first – so click here before you go on.

There we were met with our 12th Day of Celebration. Standing there waiting for us were all 12. Wearing nothing but loin clothes as I pulled up. One of them opened the door and lifted Tami out. All 12 gathered and we proceeded down the stairs – almost like a procession. It is a special Sinful Day you know. Our favorite song from our favorite band played loud as the lights flickered and pulsated. Tami high in the air as they walked her towards the altar.

Continue reading “Tami and the 12th Day Celebration – Conclusion”

adult baby phone sex

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – XXOO Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

Adult Baby Phone Sex

You are definitely gonna need to catch up with part 1 first – so click here before you go on.

Laylene stood and watched and looked down upon Tami with an evil grin. Tami looked up helplessly as Laylene said: ‘’You won’t be needing these!’’ Then she crushed Tami’s little chestnuts to pieces with her 7’ stripper heel. Tami screamed through the gag, but all that was heard were muffled screams, like a little slut screaming through a pillowcase when getting fucked from behind. Mommy Laylene then turned to Anna and said: ‘’Now it’s your turn’’. Mommy Anna lifted her knee, and her metal stiletto came crashing down on Tami’s chestnuts, more muffled screams echoed through the gag, but only Tami’s mommies heard them.

Continue reading “Adult Baby Phone Sex – Tami’s Transition Into The Holidaze – Conclusion”

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

Therapist Laylene’s newest  – you will want to catch up on Part 1 right here before continuing.

Oh? You did what? My dad’s cock looked so interesting, but I didn’t know how to tell him, and I didn’t want to look clueless or unsure around him, so I played with my brother’s cock first.
Older or younger brother, I asked.
Younger. Much younger.
So, Polly is a molesting whore herself, and not just any kind of molesting whore, but the mind that molests younger brothers.
Tell me what you did to your much younger brother you filthy whore.
Well, he was sitting playing with his toys and I got on my knees, opened his legs, pulled his cock out of his pants, and started sucking on it.
What did you think of it, Polly?
I liked it, she told me. Liked what, I asked.
I liked the way it got hard and I liked the power I had. I liked the way it tasted. I like the way it felt in my mouth.
Did your brother like it? No, he didn’t.
Why didn’t you stop? Because I liked it, and I didn’t care about him.

Continue reading “Hey Guys Meet Polly – Therapist Laylene’s Newest – Part 2”


adult baby phone sex

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – XXOO Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

Adult Baby Phone Sex

You are definitely gonna need to catch up first – so click here before you go on.

Now we began focusing on his ravaged and torn beyond repair sphincter and rosebud. We started the training of his bowels to that of a helpless youngster, by inserting deeply five extra strength glycerin suppositories. Wickedly smirking after the insertion of each one. Our long sharp fingernails going deep within, as he moaned and screamed once again into his dental gag. We both began, violently working and manipulating his bowels by vigorously massaging his abdomen as they waited for things to take its course. We took Tim’s boxers and jeans and with scissors before his eyes.

Continue reading “Tim is a Problem No More – Welcome Tami – Adult Baby Phone Sex – Conclusion”

pay ***


Laylene had always had a thing for controlling others, and stupid little weak paypigs were her favorite target. She enjoyed nothing more than seeing them do her bidding, and she made sure to take advantage of them. With a piercing gaze and a sultry voice, she would give them orders and watch in delight as they complied.

She found them easy to manipulate, and she loved it when they’d goon for her. Making them goon for as long as she wanted. After all, she’d picked them out with a discerning eye. They were weak and powerless, making them easy to drain of cash as they did whatever Laylene commanded.

Continue reading “Come Here You Pathetic Paypig”