1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

Time to deck this hoe with cum filled balls….or something like that. However, that damn song goes. Point is I want some cum filled balls for my Christmas present. And guess who is going to get it for me? My hubby of course. He is on the lookout for men. He does this for me every year. Sets up a day of fucking all for me. He handpicks out the guys for me.

Tells them he is my cuck and needs to get his wife some good dick. Normally I would go through the picks and confirm or deny them. This time of year though he gets to pick. I rate all the men he has come to me. For dick size. How good they fuck. How long they last. Their attractiveness is a factor too. And how many times they can make me cum.

Continue reading “Cum Filled Balls Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

Before I was the goddess that you see before you I dabbled in other sexy ventures. I worked in a strip club for a while. A very enjoyable venture of mine. After a triple dance, I was due for a break. Which then I would take in the ally outback. I liked my job then as it was a meeting ground for possible men to have fun with after hours. Hunting for men while working I found to be very efficient.

Though I had no such luck that night. Stepping out to the ally to grab a smoke break where I thought I would be alone. Which I would soon see that I was not. A man lurking in the shadows. Watching me or so I thought. Though this man was here for another reason. To watch yes but he did not care who. All he cared about was that this was commonplace for smokers to come for a break.

Continue reading “Other sexy ventures phonesex”

Willow was called up to Santa’s private office this morning.  She was immediately informed that her time as the naughty elf of the day had arrived.  He had great expectations for her today as he did for her every day.  Santa winked at her and told her that it was time for her to go forth and give all the naughty men and boys out there some spicy fun.  I grabbed her by her arm when she was coming back out of Santa’s workshop and suggested sweet and a spicy mind fuck would be even more fun.

Continue reading “Sweet and Spicy Mind Fuck phone sex”

WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

I really love the song Santa Baby. It is the definitive Sugar Baby song if you think about it. Let me break the song lyrics down for you:

Clearly it begins from the perspective of a Sugar Baby telling Santa aka her Sugar Daddy all of the things she wants for Christmas. Sugar Babies from everywhere can learn a lot from this expert at Sugaring:

Continue reading “Willow’s The Real Santa Baby Phone Sex”

XXX Collette XXX  1-844-332-2639   ext 383

You love checking out my pictures, reading my blogs.  You sit there, looking for the naughtiest pictures of me.  Well, I have recently decided to show a little less.  Do you know why???  That’s right, to drive you a little crazier.  To make your addiction to me a little worse.  To keep you wanting more and on the edge.  The ones where you completely lose your mind are pictures of my ass.  You love worshiping my ass.

I’m the perfect lady with a perfect with ass.  I love showing off my ass.  You are thinking about my tiny, juicy bubble butt.  How about we get a little more….intimate.  As I bend over, I want you to masturbate to my ass.  I enjoy going out in public with a pretty little jeweled buttplug in my sexy ass. Continue reading “Worship My Ass Phonesex”

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I want to be extra nice to you. Why? I’m just in the givin mood. I want to show you how much I love something! I love cock! If you didn’t already know that lol. I want to give you someone on one cock attention. Anything your cock wants your cock gets today!

Do you want your cock to slide down the back of my tight throat while I’ll look up at you? Maybe you want me to lay on my back on the bed head hangin off. That way you can just fuck my mouth wide open and have a hell of a view of my archin body and your get rougher with my mouth. You can have my pussy too if you want that nice tight slit.

Continue reading “extra nice to you PHONESEX”

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Once in a while, I have to put on my good girl panties and go out with my in-laws. I hate it. Pretending to be a loving and normal housewife is just not my style. But they have no idea that their son is my little cuck bitch. So I have to put on this show once in a while. Everyone starts out boring as normal. My mother-in-law excuses her self to the bathroom.

After a good 20 minutes, her husband asks me to go looking for her. So I do. I go into the bathroom and she’s not there. I assume I just missed her and she’s already back at the table. Before I go back I figure I can sneak out the side ally door for a quick smoke before I have to be miss proper again. Out in the ally, you’ll never guess who I find. My dear ol mother-in-law. And she’s not behaving as my dear ol mother-in-law should be.

Continue reading “With My In-laws Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

My house right now is a fun place to be. My friend decided to stop by to see me. She knows I’m a witch and she’s use to seeing some crazy things when she comes over. She wasn’t expecting 10 naked men in my house in various poses. Frozen in place like sexy statues. She didn’t have to ask me what was going on I knew I was going to have to explain.

I don’t like to leave my harem boys with nothing to do for too long. They start getting ideas and thinking and that just isn’t good for anyone. I like to give them tasks. I was feeling very uninspired lately and needed some inspiration. One thing I love to do is go to the museums and see the exhibits but that’s not something I can do right now. So I called my boys.

Continue reading “~ My house right now phonesex~”

Mistress Indigo Owns Your Cock Phonesex

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You have no idea what to do with that embarrassing lump of skin between your legs. I bet you either jerk off too much or rarely use it at all. Regardless, it now belongs to me. You’ll feel my power and become overwhelmed. This is why you’ll be smart and give your cock to me whenever I want it. It’s all mine now.

Continue reading “Mistress Indigo Owns Your Cock Phonesex”

Madison (a.k.a. bratty Maddi)  1-844-332-2639  ext 359

Uh oh, hiya….giggle.  Oopsie Daisey, you’re home a lil sooner than expected.  I hope you don’t mind that I wanted to get all comfy in your bed.  It’s actually awefully lonely without you here.  You know, after taking a closer look, it looked like this bed hasn’t got any action for a looooooong time.   What a shame…pout…  But don’t worry, I took the initiative and figured out a way to fix that.

Soooo, I already started fixing that lil issue….TWICE…giggle.  To be honest daddy, I don’t want to leave.  I want you to have your way with me and fuck me any way you want, and only then I can leave…giggle.  I want all that creamy and yummy jizz and I want to beg you for it daddy.   Continue reading “Daddy, Cum Home & Fuck Me PhoneSex”