Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457
I was babysitting Mr. Stinky Pampers when my friends invited me to the mall. I didn’t want to miss out on the fun so I decided to just take him with me. Before we could get out the door, I smelled a stinky diaper! I had to change him and I doused him with baby powder so that he would smell good. It would be so embarrassing if he was stinky at the mall, in front of my friends.
When we got there, I could see my friends at the food court. I was holding Stinky’s hand, and he was waddling right beside me like a little cutie patootie. And when my friend’s saw him waddle up, they thought he was the most adorable little thing ever. They were all taking turns holding him and telling him how cute he was. Then all of a sudden, a horrible stinky smell started coming from his diaper. I was so embarrassed and so were my friends. The smell quickly started permeating the entire food court. People started sniffing and looking around for where it was coming from.