1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

Those cookies have done their job. I laced my baked goods with a spell. A spell to make my neighbor’s wife more suggestible to my wants and desires. My wants and desires include wanting to fuck her husband. Not just to fuck him though. I could do that without magic if I wanted. As devoted as he is a man is just a man.

And men are easy to control. But I like the idea of being invited in. Like a vampire, the thrill is of the invite. So, she has been under my spell now and she has told her devoted and loving husband that she had a sexual desire to watch him fuck the hot neighbor girl. Of course, that girl is me!

Continue reading “~My baked goods phonesex~”

Guess who’s hosting game day today at 2 pm Eastern!!!  That’s right!  Zesty submissive kinky naughty dirty slutty me!!!  We’ll be playing what Wrong Answers Only.  I’ll give you a picture or word and then you tell me what it is using wrong answers only.  So, bring your creativity.  Bring your quirky sense of humor.  Put on your dirty thinking caps because I plan to have a game full of laughter, camaraderie, creativity, and most of all fun!  Come and play the whole game for your chance to win a free 15 min call!  Who can beat free phone sex?  Better question… who can beat me???  *giggles*

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I may be young, but I’m old enough to put your grown-ass in pampers. All you do is whine and complain about how hard it is to be you. Boohoo, I get it. You’re a lazy bitch with a small dick. Well, if you wanna cry, I’ll give you something to cry over.

When you took a nap this afternoon, a few hours after fucking waking up, I burned all your clothing. Everything. The only thing left for you to put on to cover that winkie dinkie is this big-ass adult diaper and a cute dino onesie.

Continue reading “Something To Cry Over Phonesex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext 230

You call me while in the office – door closed, hard-on under your desk, earbuds in and trying to act like you are actually working. But, work is the last thing on your mind. Your obsession lies with me – the hot, little homewrecker who monopolizes your every waking thought and then some. You are on yet another hot call with me when your stupid, nagging wife tries to buzz in. She probably just wants to find out what lame dish you want her to make for dinner or fill you in on what your unremarkable offspring did at school today.

Continue reading “Willow’s Always Taking Advantage Phone Sex”

Age Regression Punishment Phone Sex

~Idun~ 844-332-2639 ext 369

I have to be a good nanny and take the little ones to the arcade. You and your meathead friends are standing around and picking on all the youngins! You make the wrong choice of fucking with mine and I think it’s time that you’re forced to act your real age.

Continue reading “Age Regression Punishment Phone Sex”

Madison (a.k.a. bratty Maddi)  1-844-332-2639  ext 359

I was thinking that I’m in major need of a slave.  I can tell you right away that your job isn’t going to be easy.  You are going to be my new cum dumpster.  That’s right, I have a lot of real men that are eager to spill their load and I just don’t want to handle them all.  So starting NOW, I will accepting applications from all of you whom desire to become my next dirty little cum dumpster.  And yes, this job is not easy and it’s definately messsssssy.

I’m also thinking that I’m going to burn all your manly clothes.  You won’t need those nice brand name clothes.  That’s right, I’m just going to destroy them.  I am going to dress you up as a sissy, and I will start with panties.  I can already tell how excited and eager you are to be owned by nobody else by me, that’s right your barely legal bratty teen.  Continue reading “Be My Cum Dumpster Phonesex”

Call Katie: 1-844-332-2639 ext 356

Remember how big of a man you thought you were before we met? It was the cutest thing ever. You used to be so manly and confident… and now look. This is soooo much better, isn’t it?

You are dressed the way you should be. Like a little baby. And babies always wear one special thing. A DIAPER!!! We both know you desperately need one. And who better to change it than me, your Babysitter Katie!

Continue reading “You Used To Be So Manly Phonesex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

Have you heard of this? If not, you should definitely try it. Within the confines that we are presently under, intelligent people can always find a way around such restrictions. That is where the virtual experience comes in. We can utilize Skype or Teamviewer to hold you accountable.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Virtual Cuck Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

Ever been in trouble with the law? I have and I am probably the only woman who has ever smiled for every single mugshot she’s had. Why? Because if I ended up in trouble with the cops then whatever I did was hella fun and hella worth it. I was proud of what I did. I want that to turn you on. That trouble being my middle name makes you cock hard.

You are holding me in an interrogation room. Ready to play good cop bad cop with me. Expect the good cop is nowhere to be found. Just the two of us in a locked room together. You will turn the camera off. There really is no telling where you are going to go with this. All you do know is that you don’t want any witnesses to whatever is about to go down here.

Continue reading “Trouble With The Law Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Ring around the rosy pocket full of posy ashes ashes we all fall down! A nice little reminder of our younger years. A nice fun game around a cute little mary-go round. A swing set bein pushed way too fast and high. Slides becomin launchin vessels for those who could pick up enough speed on them. And my favorite the see-saw.

It’s just somethin about that up and down motion that really gets me goin. I wonder if that is the reason why I love to ride cock so much now. Now I want to try out a playground fantasy of mine. I need your help to do it. I have always wanted to see if I could get a nice beefy guy to sit on one end of the see-saw while another man sat on the other side.

Continue reading “nice fun game PHONESEX”