Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

Luckily I love to change diapers! Lol! That’s how I earned my nickname Diaper Girl. I think all of my years working in the church nursery was great training for this job. The other nursery workers would always call me over if anyone needed to be changed because they knew I loved to change diapers. And they would come running to me with their arms extended to get their diapers changed. They would cry if anyone else tried to change them. I loved it all, the smell of the wipes, powder, diaper rash cream, and even the diapers themselves. It’s so satisfying to start with a mess and end up with a fresh, clean diaper. And it’s so rewarding to see how happy it makes the recipient. You see, it wasn’t just the church nursery. I also volunteered at the skilled nursing facility that was owned by our church. So I also have a lot of experience with adult diapers too. That’s a whole other story. Those men are so horny! You wouldn’t imagine some of the stories I heard.

Continue reading “Diaper Girl”


Snack or Diapers

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

When she was out of earshot, he let his finger graze the back of my thigh, and his voice got huskier than normal. “I see a snack I’d like to bite into.” I sat forward in the pool until we were eye to eye.

“What about your girlfriend?” He smiled and traced the edge of my bikini bottom. “She doesn’t have to know.”

“And your mom? She’s my friend!” I snapped, and he just laughed.

“We won’t tell her either.” I sucked my lower lip between my teeth and sighed. He was so cute; a deep dimple on the left side of his mouth always made me swoon. I looked back at the house and got a wicked idea. His mom babysat most weekends, and I knew she had diapers in the house.

Continue reading “Kaykay Diapers a Real Big Boy Part Two Snack or Diapers”

Daycare Fun

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

We all know that daycare fun is one of the best parts of being an ABDL. And I didn’t forget that I promised if you were good at day care mommy would give you special treats when you got home. Well I just spoke to your daycare teacher, and she said you were very, very good today. So I guess that means mommy needs to give you your treats as soon as we get home.

Continue reading “Daycare Fun For My ABDL Boys”

Tessa 1-844-332-2639 ext. 445

You always wonder when you see one how you’re going to react. And you know you don’t want to react in a way that’ll humiliate or embarrass that person. Just to be clear, we’re talking about the guy that has the smallest, itty, bitty, of a penis. I mean you can’t even call it a dick or a cock cause it doesn’t deserve that type of recognition. You can barely even call it a penis.

Well, when I saw one the other day, I tried to hold back. I tried to contain my laughter, and even tried holding back in putting my finger and thumb together. My eyes were bulging for sure. Then I thought about the tools I might use, and of course tweezers came to my mind. When I saw his face when I couldn’t contain my expression, I realized it was pointless to keep trying to hide how I really felt. So it all came out.

You just can’t expect someone to hold back from the most hilarious looking little clitty you’ve ever seen. I called it a clitty cause even calling it a penis is too much. We’re talking this itty bitty was so embarrassing, you might as well wear diapers all day long. Pants are for big boys, and you are definitely not one of those.

Continue reading “That Itty Bitty Thing”

Mommy's good boy diapers

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

You had come home from a long day’s work, tired, but Mommy had cooked you your favorite meal. We sat at the dinner table. You were quiet and poking around at your food. I asked you how your day was, and you didn’t say much so I continued to pry. I knew there was something on your mind, and I knew you wanted to tell me. Mommy always knows best….

Continue reading “Mommy’s Good boy”

Naughty Baby

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

I have a new naughty baby that loves the idea of being exposed to other women. He told me that the thought of me outing him since he’s such an alpha male drives him crazy. So I decided to test him and see if he could really take being outed in front of all my beautiful friends.

Once a month I host a girls night at my place with all my friends and this time, instead of me serving the drinks and snacks, I had my new little ABDL friend do it. I dressed him in his diaper and a French maid outfit and told him it was his time to shine.

Continue reading “Naughty Baby Loves Humiliation – Part 2”

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Diaper boy Johnny and I settled in on the couch for a movie night with our friends. The lights were off, and about six people shared snacks and silence as the movie started. Johnny’s head rested on my shoulder, his side against mine, so It didn’t take long for me to sniff something. I looked down, and he was innocently watching the opening credits. His nose scrunched up as I watched and realized he was making pushies. A tiny grunt escaped him, and I sniffed to be sure before embarrassing him with my announcement.

“Oh my gosh! You little stinker!” Everyone looked over at him. Even in the dark, I could see his cheeks were red, and his eyes were wide. He shook his head, and I laughed. “Yes! Don’t you say no! You made a stinky mess in that nappy, didn’t you?!”

Continue reading “Movie Night Stinker”

My First ABDL

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

I didn’t know how much I would love playing with babies until I was introduced to my first ABDL. I had a friend who confided in me one day that he loved dressing as a little baby boy.

At first I was a bit confused, but he explained that being dressed up, having naughty fun, and then being comforted by a sweet mommy made him so happy and content. I was really intrigued so I decided to look into the ABDL community.

Continue reading “How I Met My First ABDL – Part 1”

Elaine  1844-332-2639 ext 250

I have always known that I am superior to men. It has always been very easy for me to get my way with them. And once I have you it’s my way or the highway. These boots were made for walking. And I love using mine to walk all over you. In all my relationships I am the boss.

Even if a man thinks that he is running the show. He will quickly come to realize that he is beneath me. A worthless loser to be trampled under my heels. And Puddy in my hands. To be molded as I see fit. To be used to satisfy my needs only.

A man’s needs have never mattered to me. My only need for you in my life is to play whatever position I need to be filled. And believe me, I have many positions for you little wankers and perverts to play. I have sugar daddies, servants, toilet bowls, and on-call pussy lickers.

Continue reading “These Boots Were Made For Walking”

Elaine  1844-332-2639 ext 250

I have always be a very bossy lady. So when my husband started acting like a whimp. I knew exactly what he needed. A strict lesson on who was running things. And a diaper to get his ass in line. So over night we became dommy mommy and the baby.

I got so fed up with his whinning. That one evening I just sat down beside him and told him your such a fucking baby. And since you can’t seem to get a handle on your attitude. I’m going to adjust it for you. He didn’t even put up a fight. He just shook his head yes. As I handed him the new bag of diapers I had picked up for him.

Well don’t just sit there I told him. Lets get one on you now. I kneeled on the floor beside our couch. Then patted the ground. He started to get up slowly when he realized I was serious. Pull off your clothes so I can get one on you. Your going to stay in diapers. Until you grow upand be a man.

He stood up and stripped off his clothes. Then laid on the floor. Looking up at me with a sad face.

Continue reading “Dommy Mommy And The Baby”