Rachel 1844-332-2639 Ext 457

I was babysitting Mr. Stinky Pampers when my friends invited me to the mall. I didn’t want to miss out on the fun so I decided to just take him with me. Before we could get out the door, I smelled a stinky diaper! I had to change him and I doused him with baby powder so that he would smell good. It would be so embarrassing if he was stinky at the mall, in front of my friends.

When we got there, I could see my friends at the food court. I was holding Stinky’s hand, and he was waddling right beside me like a little cutie patootie. And when my friend’s saw him waddle up, they thought he was the most adorable little thing ever. They were all taking turns holding him and telling him how cute he was. Then all of a sudden, a horrible stinky smell started coming from his diaper. I was so embarrassed and so were my friends. The smell quickly started permeating the entire food court. People started sniffing and looking around for where it was coming from.

Continue reading “The Day I Took Mr. Stinky To The Mall”

1844-33-CANDY EXT 423

Jason grumbled as he waddled towards the entrance of the museum. He was wearing one of his diapers under his cargo shorts, and he could already feel the wetness seeping into the fabric. He’d had an accident on the way over, and he knew that his sister was going to tease him mercilessly for it.

“Aww, poor baby, did you have a little accident?”

Continue reading “Diaper Change at the Museum”

Valerie 1844-332-2639 Ext 243

I know it’s only mid-September, but My ache for Halloween is something serious. Baby Tricia and I were talking about what kind of customer we could put her in this year, and it dawned on me how fun it would be to make her my little pantyhose Mummy!

Tricia is such a sweet girl, and she loves to be bound by Mommy’s love. All hugged tight and squished under layers and layers of material, so things would be even more exciting for her if you get what I mean!

Continue reading “Mommy’s Baby Mummy”

Cummie Extraction

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

Messy babies sometimes need more than just a diaper change. I had Kolty strapped down over my lap as I changed his stinky britches, and I realized how swollen and full his balls looked. “Well, that’s gotta come out.” I snapped the purple latex gloves over my hands and used my elbow on his tummy to keep him from struggling.

His little penis stood straight up when I pulled out the clinical-sized tweezers and medical clamps. First, I used those clamps at the base of his balls and pinched the tweezers ’round his base. How he started hollerin’! “Be still, boy. I’m bout begin the cummie extraction procedure!”

Continue reading “Cummie Extraction”

Mercedes 844-33-CANDY Ext. 423

“Come on, baby boy, take off your diaper.” I say as I pull on the little white tab that’s keeping it shut.

You squirm a bit as you lift your ass, letting the thick padding fall off your body and land on the floor. The smell of your soiled diaper hits me immediately. It’s overpowering and I have to take a step back. I cover my nose with my hand, and look down at you.

You look back at me, eyes pleading. “I’m sorry, Mommy.”

I bend down to your level, and stare at you for a long moment, feeling my anger rising. “You know what, little boy? I’m not going to change you right now.” I stand back up and turn around.

I can feel your eyes on me as I walk out of the bathroom, into the main area of the clothing store.

Continue reading “Changing My Stinky Boy in Public”

Babysitting Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220

One thing about being a cute teen that everyone loves, is that you get a lot of babysitting jobs. Like, a lot. So many little ones to look after, especially since I have nursery experience! And I always make sure to take as many of these little jobs as possible, because I know those little ones are going to love me! They just can’t get enough of the special games Sitter Mila loves to play with them! Even if they pretend to complain, I always know they watch me leave with that dreamy haze in their little eyes, waiting for me to come right back!

Continue reading “Babysitting With Mila”

Reprimanded At The Park

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

I took dis adult diaper boy to the park to ride his bike while his mommy was at work. First, he refused to wear a helmet. He’s a baby! He needs to wear protection but dis fool thinks he’s some kinda big boy. So I was quickly frustrated and regretting taking him on an outting.

I sat on a bench and watched him race up and down the trail. “Slow down!” I hollered. “Be careful!” He ignored me at every turn. He even tried to do this wheely trick the cool kids were doing, and he skidded across the loose gravel. Scrappin’ up his knee and elbow as he fell. When he started cryin’, I got up and grabbed him by the arm. “I told you to slow down! You wanna cry, I’ll give you sumethin’ to cry about.” I reprimanded and pulled him over my knee.

Continue reading “Reprimanded At The Park”

Mercedes 1844-33-CANDY Ext. 423

I looked down at you with an expression that’s both amused and annoyed. You’re lying on your back, naked except for the diaper that’s hanging off the edge of the changing table. I shake my head, a lock of blonde hair falling across my forehead.

“Really, you’re acting like a total baby” I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. “I mean, I get it. You wanna be a big boy now. But you still need to be changed like a baby.”

Continue reading “Mommy Needs to Change You”

Big Boy Cocks

*LUCY* 844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Most people assume ABDL babies love bottles but not mine, they all love big boy cocks. What about you? I think it’s time for you to be honest with me, do you prefer bottles or big boy cocks? Us mamas know that all of you ABDL phone sex babies love sucking on your pacifiers, bottles and my nipples, but I think it’s time that you graduated to something a little kinkier!!

I want to teach you to be a dirty little cock sucking adult baby slut. You know that I would love to have you around all the time to help me make my lovers happy. As horny as I am, sometimes I do get tired and that’s where you’ll come in. You’ll be willing and ready to get down on your little knees and open your mouth to suck on those big boy cocks. Just think of them as super hard, extra thick pacifiers.

Continue reading “My ABDLs Love Big Boy Cocks”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had been working all week when one of her colleagues enticed her to join Tinder. She did so reluctantly, as she never believed in online dating. There she met a nice gentleman who was single and wanted to take her on a old fashioned date. Miss Anna agreed and, like a gentleman he offered to come pick her up for dinner.

Continue reading “Mommy Anna’s Special Date”