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Boys love tits. Melons, muffins, balloon bags, jugs, you name it, they love them. Whenever I see a sad face around town, I get a secret thrill from giving him a flash or two of my MILF muffins. The most recent boy I flashed was at the skate park on Sunday. I had brought my son and he was doing cray tricks on his skateboard.

Tricks this other boy didn’t seem to know how to do. He tried to copy my son, and then even asked for my son to teach him. They worked together for over thirty minutes and still, he couldn’t complete the simple trick. My boy took off to keep riding and the other boy sat on a cement bench with a pout. I hate to see young boys sad, I knew just what to do to bring a smile back to his face.

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Pleasing your pretty Mama Felicity isn’t all that hard. All you have to do is pay attention and follow all of her rules. When you disobey and make poor choices, Mama Felicity is swift to swat your naughty rear. What are these rules you might be wondering? Allow me to lay them out in simple black and white for your sweet little baby brain.

I’d hate for you to become confused and unsure of anything more than the fact that you are an baby-like being who needs tons of TLC.

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too much

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Once upon a time, I was considered too much. Too much mouth, too opinionated and too bitchy. To correct this, I tried to change. I dulled my words and attempted to be softer instead of harsh with my intentions. Do you know where these changes got me?

Walked on. Fed up and used. Like a piece of sexual flesh for my husband to jerk off with and then show off to his friends like a trophy. This was also too much, so I stopped.

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Ahhh, the end of the football season is near. So close I can smell the piled high nachos and bbq chicken wings from here. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy hosting the parties and love watching the men get all amped up over the bad plays and fumbled calls. But I’m over it. I want my normal Sundays back.

The lazy days where my husband stays in bed for hours after he would have normally woken up. Then we find some small hole in the wall place from brunch. We’d sip so many mimosa’s that pouring ourselves back into bed when we get home is the only option. Those are the best. I just have to get through this last football Sunday before I can have my days back.

Continue reading “Superbowl Sunday Phonesex With Feisty Felicity”


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I just love how every day has its own little national something or other. Today is National Bubble bath day, among a few other things but this one is my favorite. I’m going to draw a nice, hot bath. Steaming water and pour in far too much bubble solution.

I don’t care that its the middle of the day, I’m going to close the blinds and light some tealight candles all around the edge of the tub. Setting the ambiance, ya know. The way my skin looks under candlelight should be illegal. Now, here is the important part, you need to call me.

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Chastity is your new year resolution. It seems like you lack focus, loser. I’m going to help you harness all that extra energy you waste on jacking off. Maybe if you quit touching your little dick you could actually get your work done and get that promotion you’ve been trying to nail.

I’m going to help you by LOCKING up that tiny flap of skin you call a cock, in a pretty little cage. You’ll know it’s the right thing to do when you hear the snicks of the lock. You’ll be HELPLESS and completely under my control. If I catch you still trying to play with your dick, I’ll throw away the key.

Continue reading “New Year, New Chastity Cage Phonesex With Feisty Wifey Felicity”

Tight MILF Pussy
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Older. Married. More mature, all of these words describe me. It’s true but so does Hot, Tight, MILF Pussy.  Just because I have a little experience under my belt, it doesn’t mean my naughty little pussy is any looser than the young little things you try to play with.

I work out every day and eat right. Treating my body like the temple it is. I’d be willing to bet that I may even be tighter than some of the females I see my son running around with. Wouldn’t you rather take a chance with a woman who knows what she doing than a tiny girl who’s wet behind the ears?

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