Janet 1-844-332-2639 EXT 456

Halloween 2.0 is still going strong here at my house. I just can’t stop all this Halloween fun even after the holiday has come and gone. I’m a sucker for a good deal and when I found all the Halloween things on sale I just had to find a way to use them in my cucky fun with my roommate. With all the costumes on sale, he has a whole new sissy cucky collection to wear for me when I feel like it. During cuck sessions with studs, I really like my cuck roomy to be as ani-male as I can get him.

So that really shows him how beta male he really is. That’s not all I found on sale though. I didn’t stop with just the leftover Halloween costumes. I took a trip to my favorite sex toy shop and wouldn’t you know it they were having an after Halloween sale too. Lots of Halloween-themed sex toys and sexy accessories all 75% off. How could I resist? I bought him two brand-new cock cages. See I’m a wonderful cucktress.

Continue reading “I just can’t stop”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

My friend is becoming a tiny man. When he first told me, I thought he was joking. Then he made me realize that he is completely serious. He’s going through an experimental process of slowly shrinking him down to just two to three inches. He’s literally going to be tiny. I’m going to be like a giant mom to him. You see, I have agreed to take him in after his process is complete. He’s going to be too tiny to live on his own. He’s going to need someone that he can completely trust to take care of him. I’m going to have to sign nondisclosure agreements and all. This is going to be a legal arrangement sort of like adoption. We are so excited about all the fun things we will be able to do together. He’s going to be able to sit on the counter while I make dinner. When I take a shower, he will have to sit on the ledge and watch me. He can’t be left alone. I have to take care of him. They are going to make him some special furniture and plumbing fixtures for his tiny little body.

Continue reading “Becoming A Tiny Man”

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

All those years when he would wake me up early on Christmas morning to rush downstairs and see what presents Santa had brought him, I wished he would sleep in. Or at least let me sleep in. But now that little Johnny isn’t so little anymore, I miss the Christmas morning excitement. He always had such joy on his face when he would shake me awake. “Mommy, Mommy!” His little voice would whisper yell. “It’s Christmas; get up! Get up!”

My room is quiet this year after the sun has come up over the snow-covered hills. While I should be grateful that I’m well rested, something just feels like it’s missing. I sneak down the hall to little Johnny’s room and see him still sleeping peacefully on his back. With dreams of sugar plums dancing in his head, I wonder.

Continue reading “Christmas Morning With Little Johnny”

Lola 1844-332-2639 ext 242

I need to tell you about this messed up thing that happened the other day. While shopping for Christmas presents, this guy came up behind me and said, “you look like a girl who likes to be led.”

I glared, spun around in irritation and in my Dommiest voice I snapped, “Excuse me?”  I was livid, some guys think that all women will follow all men. Not true! Telling me he wants to lead me is the opposite of a turn on. If you want my respect, you need to prove yourself.

I stuttered a bit when I took in the person in front of me, he was HOT. I toned down my voice a bit and we exchanged a few perfunctory introductions. As we chatted, I started to warm to him. There was no question the man was a Dom.

Continue reading “Mistress Turns Sexy Switch”


Janet 1-844-332-2639 EXT 456

I’m so damn bored! Sitting in this house with no one but my cucky boy toy is driving me hella crazy! So I need some fun and I need it right now! Something wild and crazy. I can’t wait another second to get my pussy wet. There are a few friends I like to play with. I call them my spanking boys. My good little boys that love to be bent over and spanked. Normally I would only call them one at a time but that’s not going to cut it today. I want them all.

So I call them and they are all down for a spanking. My cuck boy won’t be left out of the fun though. He’s been bored too so I’ll be a good cucktress and let him in on my fun too. Lining all my boys up across my bed. Four of them are right next to each other. Hands tied behind their backs. Gags in their mouths. Feet bound tight and connected to the bed frame. These boys are going nowhere. And there will be no screaming for help either.

Continue reading “My cucky boy toy”

Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Since this is the giving month and I just love having parties at my house I’ve decided to have a one of a kind party. In high school I was a very popular girl. I was wild and down to do anything. All the boys knew that and everyone wanted some of this sexy girl. I turned a lot of boys down though. A lot of the time it wasn’t because I didn’t want to fuck them. It was just because I could. I liked the idea of knowing that I had rejected them and might have hurt their cocks feelings.

That’s all about to change though. I dug out my old yearbook and I am going to invite all the men I said no to in high school. I’m not going to tell them why they are coming over. They wont even know there is going to be anyone else here. Once I get them all here and I get to see their confused faces I’m going to spill the beans. I plan to tell them exactly why they are here and what I want from each and every one of them.

Continue reading “Down To Do Anything”

Rachel 1*844*332*2639 Ext 457

I always try to avoid my naughty professor’s wife. To be honest, she scares me. I can’t even look her in the eyes. I feel like she hates me. She gives me horrible looks. The other day I was in the restroom when she walked in. “Hello Rachel” she said with a condescending smirk. I wondered how she even knew my name. Trembling, all I could get out was “hi”. I turned to walk out as quickly as possible when she said “Not so fast”. I froze. “Look here you little slut, keep your eyes and paws off of my husband. He would never do anything with someone like you. So just stop fantasizing about it. Stop prancing around in your slutty little outfits. It’s so obvious that you’re just trying to get his attention. Poor little pathetic thing. He will never give you the time of day” she laughed as she walked out. I stood in shock as tears filled my eyes. Then anger took over. How dare she talk to me like that and make assumptions. She was so wrong. It wasn’t me. It was him. I can’t believe what a bitch she was to me.

Continue reading “My Naughty Professor’s Wife”

Torri 1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

It’s time for my brother to come down for a little visit. I love when he comes to visit. I always get to bunk with him and this is no sleepover. We stay up all night. Not talking though we have a bit more fun than that. I love it because he always comes without his wife. She hates us and that’s all fine by me. That just means I get my brother all to myself. This time is a little different though. My brother really upset me. I overheard him telling his friends about me. They don’t know the kinds of things we do together.

He would never tell anyone that. But he did tell his friends that he thinks I’m an easy fuck. That I would probably fuck anything with a heartbeat if I thought there was something in it for me. Now this is actually very true. And I don’t mind it one bit. But come on you’re my brother don’t be talking bad things about me to your friends. When we have our fun late at night he always says things in the moment. How he loves it.

Continue reading “Up All Night”

Cock Sleeve

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

You kept asking her for a threesome. She said she wasn’t comfortable, but you don’t care about her feelings. You only want to satisfy your burning lust. So, being the thoughtful Princess that she is, your girl invited me over for that threesome you’d been aching for.

I bet you didn’t realize I’d be making you my cock sleeve puppet.

Continue reading “Cock Sleeve Puppet”

Janet 1-844-332-2639 EXT 456

So you want to be a cuck do you? Well there all lots of levels of being a cuck. And lots of cuck goddesses like myself. I love to have fun with it. The imagination is such a fun thing to play with. I know mine very well. Sometimes I even surprise myself with the kinds of things I come up with for my cucks to do. If you are my cuck here are some of the things you will be expected to do and can expect from me. To start you will have a sheet that I will count your points on. Yes as a cuck your get points and I can demote your points.

These earn you privileges from me. Privileges like getting a small choice here and there. Instead of just putting you in an outfit I want you in I might give you a couple of options. Privileges are something you are going to want to strive for. I at the end of the day get to control the decisions but with your points you will at the very least get your input heard.

Continue reading “Want to be a cuck”