
By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Not everyone is done for the fun play you, and I like. We like to hold it. And hold it. And hold it some more. Until it, we can feel the goosebumps and tingles traveling all down our limbs, and we think things might burst! That’s when the fun part of being a piddle princess begins.

When we pick a night for our naughty play, we buy a whole case of water and set up shop in the bathroom. The bathroom at my house has a big party shower—one with a large bench for us to chill on. We chug bottle after bottle until it feels like our insides are swimming.

Continue reading “Piddle Princess Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

As a sexy French Domme Mistress, you can imagine the amount of requests I have heard over the years. Some are interesting; most are desperate pleas from men who I would never give the time of day to other than in a session with myself. Begging me to see them as more than a client.

Of course, all pleas fall on uncaring ears. From time to time though I do get a request that takes me off guard. One that makes me stop and think of all the possibilities that could come of such a thing. Such was the case when a client asked me about Axillism. This is when someone uses the arm bit as a substation for a vagina.

Continue reading “French Domme Mistress phonesex”

What’s better than one sexy game day hostess?  TWO sexy game day hostesses.  Come and play with Zoey and Jackie on Saturday April 24th at 2 pm Eastern.  What will we be playing you ask?  We’re going to play Would You Rather Team Zoey vs Team Jackie edition.  Jackie and I have poured through hundreds of would you rather questions.  Finding ones where we differ in opinion.  Now we’re going to present them to you.  Will you be Team Zoey or Team Jackie?  Let’s find out in a rumpus and rowdy game of naughty kinky sometimes win-win sometimes lose-lose opinion.  I promise there will be hilarity and laughter and one of you lucky sexy men will win a free 15-minute phone call.  So, what do you have to lose?  Nothing!

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403


1-844-332-2639 Ext 330

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

I have gotten some new members to my harem. As I like to have them do once a month they need to pay tribute to me; their glorious mistress witch. They all have some free will to decide what will be best for them to do for me. That way I don’t always know what I am getting from them. This is a chance for the new members to show me that they are worth keeping around.

The deepest fear of a member is that I will just throw them away like trash. Which I tend to do if they displease me. I have no problem getting rid of some and getting new ones. They all know this is their chance. My newest members get to see the older ones go first. For a second month in a row harem member number 178 has disappointed me with flowers.

Continue reading “~ New members to my harem phonesex~”

Selling My Skittles Slut Phone Sex

844-332-2639 ~Idun~ ext 369 and ~Krysta~ ext 410

Krysta loves her skittles. I knew it would be so easy to trap her fat ass. She’s so young and innocent. She didn’t even question who laid out a trail of skittles for her to follow. I tricked this little chunk because I knew selling her body would be so profitable!

Continue reading “Selling My Skittles Slut Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 ext. 258

Hey handsome, my name is Stasia. I am 18 years old and want to fulfill your every desire with my young, tight body. I  am Daddy’s Naughty Phonesex Virgin!

My absolutely favorite thing to do is to flaunt and show off my body, and all the guys always love looking at my tight, young ass and my little tits. Even someone brushing against my nipple in public can make me absolutely drenched in my panties. I am down for pretty much everything and anything, as long as you spoil me or else I can be a little brat.  Continue reading “Daddy’s Naughty Phonesex Virgin!”

Madison  (a.k.a. bratty Maddi)  1-844-332-2639  ext 359

I got a side gig where I work a few hours a week at a law firm doing some basic filing for the partners of the firm.  About 2 days into my new side gig, the senior partner called me into his office.  For a moment there I thought I was in trouble for something.  But once I shut the door behind me in his office, he instantly changed his tone of voice.  His eyes started radiating with pure lust.  He wanted me to do some extra work but he wanted to pay me on the side.

Of course in return he expected a few extra things.  To show off my cock sucking skills, within minutes I was on my knees unzipping his pants and sucking his married cock.  I didn’t care that he was wearing a wedding ring, all I wanted was to please and tease his cock because I knew he was about to hand me a wad of cash right after that.  And that was my very first experience with new Sugar DaddyContinue reading “Sugar Baby for Sr. Partner Phonesex”

Sex Kitten Lyric  844-332-2639  x247

You want a little bitch?  I’ll give you a little bitch Lyric.  As a matter of fact, I won’t even have to “roleplay” with that one.  If anything, being a conniving little bitch cums so naturally for me.  I will tell you of all your “shortcomings” and all your moments when you simply fucked up your life.  I won’t even have to pretend there, because all of it is true.

It’s funny and ironic how you need a bitchy little princes like me to tell you exactly what you already know.  But I guess a loser like you, you simply need that re-enforced and bring it more into reality.  So what’s it going to be fucker?  Are you going to let me tell you how much of a fucking loser you are?   And even better…. Continue reading “Conniving Bitch + Loser Phonesex”

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357  

I love all of the hard lines of a MAN. The way his shoulders curve down to solid biceps—the strength of his jaw and the length of his neck. A man who takes care of himself is a man I want to take care of. I love the long, slow, sweet tease and exploration of a fit body.

I ache to watch your LIMP DICK respond to my gentle CARESS. It pleases me to watch your cock swell with a need that only I can release. The slow glide of my tongue along and the soft trail of saliva as I mark your body turned me on. It makes me squirm against you. I want to spend days finding the places on your skin that makes your cock THROB FOR ME.

Continue reading “Sweet Tease Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Ya’ll are most likely much older than me readin this blog. Well, that’s ok not a problem at all. The only reason I bring it up is because I was goin to mention something that most people my age wouldn’t know anythin about. BUT out here in the sticks we play old-school games all the time. Like 7-minutes in heaven.

Everyone should know this game and if you don’t then I pity you this is a fun ass way to get some quick action with people you might not normally have the chance to. It really is a game for awkward teens to get in a closet at their first girl-boy party. BUT that kind of fun doesn’t just stop round here. We just up the stakes lol.

Continue reading “7- minutes in heaven PHONESEX”