Cory 1-844-332-2639 ext 407
The air in the nursery was thick with the scent of baby powder and… something else. Disappointment. Mine, mostly. I smoothed down the pastel-colored changing pad, trying to ignore the lump in my throat. “Liam,” I said, my voice softer than I felt. “Come here, sweetie.”
Liam, all two hundred pounds of him crammed into a blue onesie, shuffled into the room, his lower lip trembling. He knew…He always knew when he’d crossed a line. This ABDL was usually such a good little one, so eager to please. But the last few days had been… challenging. He’d regressed further than usual, refusing to eat anything but pureed carrots and throwing a tantrum when I tried to introduce solid foods. And then there was the wetting. Not just little accidents, but blatant defiance, puddles left deliberately on the pristine rug.