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That dumb look on his face when I told him that he was going to have to jack-off all night long was so funny I laughed right in his face. If you missed part one of this blog go look on phonesexcandy right now and read it. Small recap I was changing my hubby’s cock cage and since I haven’t let him jack-off in over 3 months he decided to make a break for it and run to the bathroom and jack-off with the door locked.

I waited for him to come out and his punishment is that he is going to be forced to jack-off for a solid 24 hours. He wasn’t allowed to take a break to do anything what so ever. Not to take a leak, eat or sleep. The only thing I allowed him was a drink to refuel himself. His hand had to stay on his cock and moving the whole time. I stayed with him until it was time for me to go to bed. When I did I set him up on a cam show where people watched him and paid to see him punished.

Continue reading “That Dumb Look Phonesex”

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So you want to be a cuck, do you? Well, there all lots of levels of being one. And lots of goddesses like myself. I love to have fun with it. The imagination is such a fun thing to play with. I know mine very well. Sometimes I even surprise myself with the kinds of things I come up with for my cucks to do.

If you are my cuck here are some of the things you will be expected to do and can expect from me. To start you will have a sheet that I will count your points on. Yes as a cuck your get points and I can demote your points. These earn your privileges from me. Privileges like getting a small choice here and there. Instead of just putting you in an outfit I want you in I might give you a couple of options.

Continue reading “Be A Cuck Phonesex”

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Time to dress my cucky hubby up in another costume. That schoolgirl get-up was getting a little bit old actually. I’ve been wanting something smuttier to put him in. Nothing powerful. I would never dress him up like the Queen of the damned. Which is what I will be going as on Halloween. Yea let that set in your mind for a little while.

Think about how I’m going to look all dressed up like the Queen of all vampires ready to control them and make them do my bidding. Vampires are extremely sexual creatures. That’s why I thought it was the perfect costume for me to wear this year. Seeing there is going to be a huge sexy haunted orgy party at my house.

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It just feels so good outside now. The temperature is dropping. The nights are extra cool. It’s almost that time of year that I love but hate because I don’t get to ride my motorcycle as much. I decided to get in some extra riding while I had the chance. Just got the itch last night to get out and ride.

I didn’t know where I was going all I did know is wherever it was I was going topless. I love how the cold air hits my tits and swells up my nipples. Anyone that got a passing glance at them sure loved it too. It wasn’t long before I had a car following me. I knew it was a man. It had to be with the way he was on my ass.

Continue reading “Some Extra Riding Phonesex”

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You have to just love this time of year. Some love it for the pumpkins. Others love it for the air and the falling leaves. And of course, all the spooky things that’s happening around this time. That’s more or less what I like most about it. Though not like you might think.

Its no secret that this time of year is the time when all the naughty boys and girls come out of hiding and have a little bit of out in the open fun. Normally I focus mainly on myself. Finding me the most fun and out there kind of sexual fun that I can. My cuck husband I normally just let him have a break from all my teasing fun that I have with him most of the year.

Continue reading “All The Spooky Things Phonesex”

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The first thing you need to know about me is I’m a hot biker babe. Now let that sink in. Let the images of this hot body of mine on my black on black Honda shadow named the Black Dahlia. Me in my leather pants and leather bandana tie around top on fully exposing my back.

A matching black bandana on my head with my aviator sunglasses on. The resting bitch face look on my face. One that makes you almost scared to approach me but turns you on at the same time. My biker boots planted firmly on the ground with a red-hot lit cigarette in my mouth.

Continue reading “Hot Biker Babe Phonesex”

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This girl followed me right into the bathroom at the bar the other night. I’m use to being hit on in the bar. I mean look at me I’m hot as fuck and everyone knows it. Girls do hit on me from time to time too. They are normally never sure if I’m down with girls or not and I like to have fun with them because of it.

This girl I knew was eyeing me. So I figured she might approach me at some point during the night. She was pretty hot herself. I knew if she didn’t say something to me in the next 30 minutes then I was going to say something to her. Maybe I would have asked her to come back to my place. I would tell her all about my cuck husband.

Continue reading “Girls Do Hit Phonesex”


By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

When he cums, it’s a mouthful. I knew he was close but I didn’t realize he was that close. An eruption of cum blew through his tip and flooded my little baby mouth. He yanked his cock away and she leaned in close. Before I could swallow she was sipping his load from my lips.

Our filthy snowball play always keeps him nice and hard for round two.

Continue reading “Filthy Snowball Phonesex”

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Oh, what was that? Do you think you can bring the sweet side out in me? Well, you can try some have tired most have failed. But there have been a few times it happened. The last time it happened though was not with some guy. Oh no, this was with a woman.

I have been fucking girls for a while. Since high school really. I never did understand the “are you gay, straight, or bi thing. I like to look at everything like a buffet I just want to eat and taste anything that looks well tasty.

Continue reading “Most Have Failed Phonesex”

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You want to lick me, don’t you. I know you want to see what my sweet sweet body tastes like. You want to know how that tingle on your tongue feels when you have my taste in your mouth. You look at my silky-smooth skin thinking about how it must feel too tough it.

To grope it to manhandle it. The lusty look in my eyes is enough to drive you wild. Now that you’re here and you can hear the husky sound of my voice you are almost over the top with HCS or Horny Cock Syndrome if you didn’t know what that stood for.

Continue reading “Sweet Sweet Body Phonesex”