
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Anna was on the bus riding home from school in her uniform. She was pursued  by an older boy who stopped her in her tracks. She couldn’t help but notice him and how handsome he was. He approached her and grabbed her arm. ‘’Where are you going?’’ Said the boy. ‘’Please Sir,’’ she pleaded, I’m trying to go home, I can’t be late, I’ll be in so much trouble.

Continue reading “Don’t talk to Strangers”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had prepared a special dinner for her naughty boy. She fixed all the trimmings, she even set the table, which she never ever does, as she always got her naughty boy to do it for her. She put so much time and effort into everything, by the time it was ready, she was exhausted.

Continue reading “Anna’s Naughty boy just can’t behave”

ice cream

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had invited her lover over while her husband was at work. She made sure to scoot the kids out and told them they could go out and play, and even gave them money for ice cream. Mommy Anna told them NOT to come back home until it was dinner time. She planned it perfectly and would have her lover leave right before then, and made sure to have dinner in the oven cooking, so everything would go smoothly.

Continue reading “Naughty Ronnie just can’t behave”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna was getting ready to sneak around with her nephew as she normally would. They were at a family gathering and timed it just right to meet upstairs in one of the bedrooms. Miss Anna had gotten undressed and was in her lingerie, when suddenly her husband came upstairs looking for her and caught her in the room, but her naughty nephew had just enough time to sneak into the bathroom and hide.

Continue reading “Naughty Auntie Anna”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had been working all week when one of her colleagues enticed her to join Tinder. She did so reluctantly, as she never believed in online dating. There she met a nice gentleman who was single and wanted to take her on a old fashioned date. Miss Anna agreed and, like a gentleman he offered to come pick her up for dinner.

Continue reading “Mommy Anna’s Special Date”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna came home after a long day of having fun. She undressed and laid naked on her bed, waiting for her sissy bitch to arrive home. When he did, he peeked through her bedroom door, finding her sprawled out naked, as if waiting to get fucked.

Continue reading “Mommy’s Sissy Bitch”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna was doing some spring cleaning. She had taken out all the linens out of the closet when suddenly something heavy fell almost knocking her in the head, falling to the ground. It was a wooden paddle. Mommy Anna had forgotten all about this paddle. Seeing it, she remembered it hadn’t been used since it was applied to Ronnie’s older sisters’ behind.

Continue reading “Naughty Ronnie just can’t catch a break Pt 2.”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy had gone to the store to buy her good boy some pampers. She didn’t want her good boy to have an accident at school or while he was with her. Mommy Anna wanted all of his pottys to be good ones. And her good boy wanted that as well. Mommy overdid it and bought enough Diapers to last a year. She rushed home and barged into her good boy’s room.

Continue reading “Mommy’s good boy”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

A gentleman went to a vegas show, but lost his friends and family. He somehow ended up going through an emergency exit door and found himself in corridor leading backstage. That’s when he bumped into Miss Anna, clad in her feathers, pannnyhose, high heels and costume. ‘’You look lost?’’ she said. ‘’I am!’’ he replied. ‘’Come with me!’’

Continue reading “The Showgirl and her Pannnyhose”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna decided to teach part time at the local school. She unfortunately had one very naughty boy in her class who loved to defy her. He would constantly correct her, and try to humiliate her in front of the class. Once day Miss Anna handed out a pop-quiz. Miss Anna timed the students and told them they only had 10 minutes to finish. But of course, that naughty boy began acting up.

Continue reading “Don’t talk back to your teacher”