MISTRESS RHIANNA 1-844-332-2639 x 253

He was cowering beneath me now as I stood over him, the heel of my thigh-high stiletto pressing into his stomach. “Is this what you want,” I asked, twisting my heel hard, his flesh barely resisting. “Is it?” “Y-y-y-es Mistress Rhianna.” “Speak up,” I spat out loudly. “Yes Mistress!”

“Tell me what you want,” I said, my voice deceptively sweet now…. “Come on..tell me…” “I want you to …” “Go on…say it….”

“I want you to ruin me!” 


Continue reading “Mistress Rhianna’s Ruin Me Phonesex”

Sweet Lovin' Kayla 1844-332-2639 ext 357
Sweet Lovin’ Kayla 1844-332-2639 ext 357

The van drove for hours and hours. Never stopping once. Not even to let Kayla eat or use the restroom. She SCREAMED and begged for the monster to pull over. She cried that she had to use the potty but he only laughed that wicked laugh and continued to drive. Tears spilled down her face when her bladder COULD TAKE NO MORE.

Scared and wet, she curled into the tiniest ball on the floor of the van and cried herself to sleep. Little Kayla didn’t know how far away from home she’d gotten but she knew it would be almost impossible to find her way back now.

Continue reading “Little Wifey Part Two, Phone Sex”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

There are always those few – the naughty ones. Those that for the life of them just cannot behave themselves. There is really only one way to handle these self-entitled and out of control brats. A good spanking is called for in this instance. There are several different options as one can choose the simple bare hand method. Then there is the paddle, belt or leather strap. Each one has it’s positive attributes. Each one leaves a signature sting of its own on the bare bottom.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s The Naughty Ones Phone Sex”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

You know you want it. Total domination by a barely legal teen dominatrix. Just because I look young and sweet, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to fuck your life up. I think you will find that I am a force to be reckoned with. I don’t fuck around. I get right to business and that cock of yours belongs to me now.

Continue reading “Morgan’s Total Cock Obliteration Phone Sex”