Open call
I’m taking phone applications for a very personal and very submissive assistant. Must be able to stay hard with a dildo up your ass. You listen and take directions well. Cumming on command is a must as well as the ability to hold off on cumming for hours at a time as I require. Some other duties including but not limited to cuckolding fantasy, Fluffing my BBC lover, and taking JOI from me.
Are you not submissive? I’m totally fine with that as I love training newbies. Be careful. “Body Worship” is not a marketable skill. Call me and tell me that you are skilled at body worship. Try it just once and you are disqualified. The screening is over. No exceptions. News flash: every male of age is skilled in body worship. It is not impressive. If you tell dominant women that. STOP. It is not a good look.
Be prepared
Come closer. I’ll give you a little secret to impressing your potential Boss Lady. Do your research. Call me and be ready to discuss your submissive skill set. I am very easy to find and find out about. You get a fantastic sense of what pleases me by reading my Bio. By the time you reach me on the phone, you need to be able to spit out some fun facts about me that you picked up. Craft a fantasy based on what you know about me and what I like to do to my playthings. I’m literally giving you a roadmap to Me. Now that you know what to do to impress me, I’d like to see how you plan to take advantage of it.
Take the first step
Roslyn 1-844-332-2639 ext 284