Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453
My boyfriend’s company party got really crazy, real fast. His boss’ wife “Paris” was very sweet. We were all mingling and she was introducing me to people. Meanwhile, my boyfriend was in a deep conversation with his boss. Paris and I were soon headed to the powder room. She started getting really friendly. Then she asked me over for dinner the following weekend. I told her that I would talk to my boyfriend. She then explained that she wanted it to be just the two of us. I was caught off guard and wasn’t sure what to say. She asked for my number to text to my plans. So I gave her my number. I told my boyfriend about it and his response was that his job was of utmost importance and that making his boss and his boss’ wife happy was the priority. I agreed. It was very clear that I had to do whatever it took to keep Paris happy. So I accepted her invitation for dinner the following weekend.