1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

I thought it would be better than not being able to get hard at all. So, I let my cucky boy have a bigger cock cage than normal. Yes, it was for my own fun and games. So I can striptease for him. Making him think he might get some wifey pussy for once just to stop and not give him a damn thing.

He didn’t whine this time though. He actually kept his mouth shut. Thinking after watching me start the striptease that he was going to get some of me this time. Lol fat chance cucky boy. Right as he is about to pass out from being turned on so much, I just walk over to the couch sit down, and put on a movie.

Continue reading “Bigger Cock Cage Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

A woofer pile. You might not think I could turn this into a sexual experience but oh you of little faith! Watch this witch do her magic. Piling up men right on top of each other. 4 sets of 3. 12 men to fuck. All of them naked with their asses just ready for me to pound with my growing strap-on.

A strappy that I can grow at will to fit my needs and any ass I chose. Tying my boys up binding the hands and feet. Forcing them to be chained together. No escape from the cock that’s coming. All or nothing when it comes to me. You will not have the chance to run when you agree to be one of my boys.

Continue reading “~ A sexual experience phonesex~”

May the 4th be with you! It’s game night and I am your sexy Sith host! What you thought I would be on the Jedi side of things? Hell no! I’m bad and I know it so I will be dark and dirty for life! And the whole Darth Vader thing is hot as hell anyway. He can be my father any day! So come on in and join the fun Game tonight for your chance of winning 15 free phone fuck minutes! Free to play and free to win! Don’t miss it!

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

Yea times are tough even for a sexy as fuck hot ass teen like me. Everyone is just stayin in and not doin a whole lot. So my pool of guys to fuck is goin down the drain. I guess it’s time for me to get online and find me a tender fuck. Believe it or not, I have actually never done the whole tender fuck thing. I never had to.

I have always had men around to fuck so never been an issue for me. Though now that I have a tender and I’m lookin around at all the hot dick and all the hot options; I’m actually a bit ticked off that I haven’t done this before. It’s just a mass of huge cocks ready to spread this tiny teen open.

Continue reading “sexy as fuck PHONESEX”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

Did you know that a Domme like myself from time to time makes house calls? Yes, for special clients and for those who make it worth our while. We will go above and beyond for some. In this case, making a house call was well worth my while. Walking into his home. Yes, I have a key to it. Which by the way is fun all in itself as my client is married. His wife has no idea of our fun rendezvous.

From the moment I step into the house the reason, I made such a trip would be clear to all who would be able to see. On the ground at my feet is a 20$ bill. I will not bend down to gather it as that act would be beneath me. Moving forward I do see not more than a foot from it another 20$ bill.

Continue reading “A Domme like myself phonesex”

For some inexplicable reason, whenever Kayla and I hang out together, the day always ends with two sore red asses.  We think we’re just having some innocent fun.  Apparently though, our Daddy Doms think otherwise.  We constantly find ourselves face down and ass up over a hard lap.  That’s when Kayla and Zoey Get Spanked.  An even harder hand, brush, or paddle spanks our defenseless, innocent bottoms as we kick, wiggle, and beg to get away.

Continue reading “Kayla and Zoey Get Spanked Phone Sex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

Telling him to assume the position. It’s time for my cuck to do what he was born to do. Be the best cuck he can be. My cock is here. The one that he picked out for me to fuck. My cuck is not only going to watch me get fucked tonight he is going to be narrating the whole thing.

Tell me and my thick cocked friend all the nice reasons he picked this cock to fuck his wife cuck goddess tonight. This cock wastes no time getting hard and ready to slide into this pussy. My husband watching really seems to make him hard. He throws me down and slams that cock in nice and deep.

Continue reading “Assume The Position Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

Those cookies have done their job. I laced my baked goods with a spell. A spell to make my neighbor’s wife more suggestible to my wants and desires. My wants and desires include wanting to fuck her husband. Not just to fuck him though. I could do that without magic if I wanted. As devoted as he is a man is just a man.

And men are easy to control. But I like the idea of being invited in. Like a vampire, the thrill is of the invite. So, she has been under my spell now and she has told her devoted and loving husband that she had a sexual desire to watch him fuck the hot neighbor girl. Of course, that girl is me!

Continue reading “~My baked goods phonesex~”

Call Katie: 1-844-332-2639 ext 356

Remember how big of a man you thought you were before we met? It was the cutest thing ever. You used to be so manly and confident… and now look. This is soooo much better, isn’t it?

You are dressed the way you should be. Like a little baby. And babies always wear one special thing. A DIAPER!!! We both know you desperately need one. And who better to change it than me, your Babysitter Katie!

Continue reading “You Used To Be So Manly Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

Ever been in trouble with the law? I have and I am probably the only woman who has ever smiled for every single mugshot she’s had. Why? Because if I ended up in trouble with the cops then whatever I did was hella fun and hella worth it. I was proud of what I did. I want that to turn you on. That trouble being my middle name makes you cock hard.

You are holding me in an interrogation room. Ready to play good cop bad cop with me. Expect the good cop is nowhere to be found. Just the two of us in a locked room together. You will turn the camera off. There really is no telling where you are going to go with this. All you do know is that you don’t want any witnesses to whatever is about to go down here.

Continue reading “Trouble With The Law Phonesex”