
WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext 230

You call me while in the office – door closed, hard-on under your desk, earbuds in and trying to act like you are actually working. But, work is the last thing on your mind. Your obsession lies with me – the hot, little homewrecker who monopolizes your every waking thought and then some. You are on yet another hot call with me when your stupid, nagging wife tries to buzz in. She probably just wants to find out what lame dish you want her to make for dinner or fill you in on what your unremarkable offspring did at school today.

Continue reading “Willow’s Always Taking Advantage Phone Sex”

Age Regression Punishment Phone Sex

~Idun~ 844-332-2639 ext 369

I have to be a good nanny and take the little ones to the arcade. You and your meathead friends are standing around and picking on all the youngins! You make the wrong choice of fucking with mine and I think it’s time that you’re forced to act your real age.

Continue reading “Age Regression Punishment Phone Sex”

Call Katie: 1-844-332-2639 ext 356

Remember how big of a man you thought you were before we met? It was the cutest thing ever. You used to be so manly and confident… and now look. This is soooo much better, isn’t it?

You are dressed the way you should be. Like a little baby. And babies always wear one special thing. A DIAPER!!! We both know you desperately need one. And who better to change it than me, your Babysitter Katie!

Continue reading “You Used To Be So Manly Phonesex”

Small Penis

The other day, a small but buff man was working out wearing those sexy grey sweats men like to wear at the gym. You know the ones I’m talking about, I’m sure. They are so simply and yet so damn sexy they make a woman weak in the knees. The bulge in his pants was incredibly noticeable, and I was starting to get super cock thirsty! I moved over to the side of the gym where he was lifting weights and began flirting.

It was odd to me that such a buff, sexy man with an obviously big dick was so shy, but that didn’t stop me from wiping the sweat from his thick biceps and offering a little more than a wipe down if he’d join me in the locker room. He looked anxious but excited when he agreed.

Continue reading “Small Penis Humiliation Phonesex with Feisty Wifey Felicity”

Sex Kitten Lyric 1-844-332-2639 x247

I am known to take your life into my hands, destroy it.  I won’t even blink.  Mindfucking you to the extent that leaves you in pleasurable pain and begging for more.  What would your boring wife do if she knew if she knew the truth about you?  You hope nobody ever catches you.  Yes, your dirty little fucked up secrets are safe with me, but I fully intend on using that to my advantage.

I wonder how she would feel if she found out that your “business trips” are centered around you being a filthy dirty whore that gets bent over by a tranny and fucked like a bitch?  LOfukingL.  You will do whatever I tell you in order for me to keep my mouth shut.  Only then, your dirty little fucked up secret is safe with me (but no guarantees).  Continue reading “Exposure to Your Boring Wife Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

Ever been in trouble with the law? I have and I am probably the only woman who has ever smiled for every single mugshot she’s had. Why? Because if I ended up in trouble with the cops then whatever I did was hella fun and hella worth it. I was proud of what I did. I want that to turn you on. That trouble being my middle name makes you cock hard.

You are holding me in an interrogation room. Ready to play good cop bad cop with me. Expect the good cop is nowhere to be found. Just the two of us in a locked room together. You will turn the camera off. There really is no telling where you are going to go with this. All you do know is that you don’t want any witnesses to whatever is about to go down here.

Continue reading “Trouble With The Law Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Ring around the rosy pocket full of posy ashes ashes we all fall down! A nice little reminder of our younger years. A nice fun game around a cute little mary-go round. A swing set bein pushed way too fast and high. Slides becomin launchin vessels for those who could pick up enough speed on them. And my favorite the see-saw.

It’s just somethin about that up and down motion that really gets me goin. I wonder if that is the reason why I love to ride cock so much now. Now I want to try out a playground fantasy of mine. I need your help to do it. I have always wanted to see if I could get a nice beefy guy to sit on one end of the see-saw while another man sat on the other side.

Continue reading “nice fun game PHONESEX”


By Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Not everyone is done for the fun play you, and I like. We like to hold it. And hold it. And hold it some more. Until it, we can feel the goosebumps and tingles traveling all down our limbs, and we think things might burst! That’s when the fun part of being a piddle princess begins.

When we pick a night for our naughty play, we buy a whole case of water and set up shop in the bathroom. The bathroom at my house has a big party shower—one with a large bench for us to chill on. We chug bottle after bottle until it feels like our insides are swimming.

Continue reading “Piddle Princess Phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 ext 411

As a sexy French Domme Mistress, you can imagine the amount of requests I have heard over the years. Some are interesting; most are desperate pleas from men who I would never give the time of day to other than in a session with myself. Begging me to see them as more than a client.

Of course, all pleas fall on uncaring ears. From time to time though I do get a request that takes me off guard. One that makes me stop and think of all the possibilities that could come of such a thing. Such was the case when a client asked me about Axillism. This is when someone uses the arm bit as a substation for a vagina.

Continue reading “French Domme Mistress phonesex”

1-844-332-2639 EXT 224

I have gotten some new members to my harem. As I like to have them do once a month they need to pay tribute to me; their glorious mistress witch. They all have some free will to decide what will be best for them to do for me. That way I don’t always know what I am getting from them. This is a chance for the new members to show me that they are worth keeping around.

The deepest fear of a member is that I will just throw them away like trash. Which I tend to do if they displease me. I have no problem getting rid of some and getting new ones. They all know this is their chance. My newest members get to see the older ones go first. For a second month in a row harem member number 178 has disappointed me with flowers.

Continue reading “~ New members to my harem phonesex~”