Hersey Kisses

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

Look at these mother fuckin’ Hersey kisses. Big, supple tits that won’t melt in your mouth. And your mouth is exactly where I want them. Lay me back and watch these fat fucks fall to the sides. Then lean over me and suck ’em between your lips. Pull on ’em till they peak up like those crave-able chocolate kisses.

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Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

I might be pretty inexperienced and new to the world of sexual pleasures, but one thing I’ve always known is no one wants to fuck a little dick. Tony is a real sweet boy, and he loves to think that we’re dating, but the truth is we aren’t. I keep him around because he plans really sweet date nights and spoils me with gifts. Tony has a micro penis, and even as new to sex as I am, I know I don’t want to even attempt sex with him.

I told him as much, and he was really disappointed. He told me that he would do anything to try to grow a bigger penis so we could fuck. A cruel but sexy Idea formed in my head, and I told him I’d heard about a special growing lotion. That I could get some, and then he could rub it into his dick every night, and it would grow big enough for us to have sex.

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Naughty Naomi 844-332-2639 ext 216

You saw me across the room and thought you had a chance.  But you also knew that if I found out your secret, I’d probably leave you with your pants down.  You went for it anyway, didn’t you?  I give you credit for your willingness to go for it.  Even if you guessed the outcome.  But things didn’t turn out the way you had expected, did they?  Because women like me find joy in punishing men like you.  Men who try hope just a little too hard that we’ll look past that tiny dick and give you even a mercy fuck.  But women like me punish little dick men like you and enjoy every moment of it.

Continue reading “Noami Punish Little Dick Men”

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

My special wicked friend Mr. X called me up and asked me to find someone for dinner.  I knew exactly who I would invite over for a very special meal.  He told me to find someone who would be plump and juicy.  That request solidified the perfect girl I already had in mind.  Krysta would be the perfect dinner guest for Mr. X and myself tonight.  So, I called her up and gave her the details.  She showed up exactly on time eager to enjoy a tasty meal with my friend and me.  Little did she know that she would become the meal herself.

Continue reading “Zoey Invites Plump Krysta to Dinner”

Welcome To The Salon

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

Welcome, welcome! Come in, sit in the pink and rose gold salon chair, and welcome to the Salon!

CSalonlist Zoey and I have been wishing and waiting for just the right client to wander into the salon. Someone who we could feminize and turn into our little salon sex slave. You heard that right; we needed a sexy little fuckdoll who we could wrap in vinyl miniskirts and then strap down with bimbo boobs!

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Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

When I sit in our candy playroom I cannot seem to get away from the questions on if I am as dirty as I seem to be. Doubt floods these stupid boys minds. What kind of dominating bitch would I be if I couldn’t make you fall to your knees with the snap of my fingers? That’s the great thing about being as commanding and dominating as I am. Never do I not get what I want. Boys falling over themselves when I speak to them is very normal for me to deal with. And it only fuels my desire for power over them.

Continue reading “Playroom Fantasies”

Mila 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 220 Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 403

I had never had a playdate like this one before! My best friend Zoey and I were having so much fun playing with our dolls and looking at the sparkly new plushie her Daddy got her! Our Daddies were downstairs talking while we had our fun upstairs. I was jealous of her plushie, but I knew that I could come play with it whenever I wanted! Zoey’s Daddy was always excited to have me over. We were in the middle of putting our dolls away for the day when the bedroom door swung open. Our Daddies were standing there with a big smile on their faces!

Continue reading “Mila And Zoey’s Playdate”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna went to the hardware store to pick up some supplies. There she stumbled upon a gentleman who worked there and was sawing some wood for customers. It was then that she got a bright idea in her mind. She asked the man for prices on different types of wood and cuts, she tried to bargain with him by letting her bra strap fall to the side of her shoulder and even sat on a pile of expensive lumber, showing off her lace top stockings.

Continue reading “Mommy Anna at the hardware store”


Alex 1-844-332-2639 Ext. 425

Isn’t it a little funny how all these sissy boys who aren’t worth anything come crawling to me? They always ask if I can make them cry. And what kind of sissy trainer would I be if I wasn’t making them cry? Just another stupid question they always want to ask. You think a domme like me can’t put you in your place? Fucking stupid thought process going on in those little sissies heads. But that’s why they come to me anyway. So I suppose it is for the best. They need to be put in their place from the very beginning anyway. Or else they will never become the sissy they need to be.

Continue reading “Making Sissies Cry? That’s Not All.”


XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419 – OOXX Anna 1-844-332-2639 ext 203

But suddenly, Laylene grabbed a special surprise out from underneath the carriage bench. A pack of candles! Each was small like birthday candles, and each a different color, but they were all shaped like cocks! Bend over birthday girl! Said mommy Anna. Tami bent over with her frilly dress flopped over her behind and back, and as the crowd continued to sing and got to the part of ‘’are you one, are you two, are you three’’

Continue reading “Happy Birthday Sissy Baby Tami! (Pt 3)”