XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419
You are definitely gonna need to catch up with part 1 first – so click here before you go on.
So the weeks and months went by as Mistress Laylene and her girls searched bars throughout the town. Luring in all the males that were left dazed by their sheer beauty. While hundreds were coming in, all being given the same treatment as Tom/ Tami. As Mistress Laylene drove from bar to bar, a shiver ran down her spine and her panties became damp. Wielding such powerful control over all pathetic loser males, attracted to her sheer beauty. She laughed wickedly as to how easily her plan was working, to decimate these small towns, of all males. Long ago Laylene had been done so wrong by males in her relationships that she had promised herself there would be revenge. The wrath of Laylene was in full motion, with no stopping it.