alone with big sister

Sexy Lexi 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 261

Looks like we finally got mom and dad out of the house, so that means it’s just you and me.  That right, just you alone with big sister for a few hours.  Doesn’t that sound like fun?  Well, I’ve got news for you.  Fun is not what you’re about to have.  Sit down, because you and me need to talk.

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TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349 

At the club, I saw this angel on stage. Sensual stripper Anita was working the pole like a dream. As per most clubs, ladies can do basically whatever they want. I laid myself on the stage and pulled out my sexy fake tits. Carefully laying a fifty dollar bill from my man’s wallet over each nipple before I beckoned Anita over with my fingers.

She eyed the cash first, and then my voluptuous tits. The sexy stripper got on her knees and crawled across the stage. She kissed the roundness of my breasts then sucked up the first bill. She slipped it into her panties then her hot lips returned to my nipple.

Continue reading “Stripper Tag Team Phonesex With TS Alexus And Sensual Anita”

Collette — 1-844-332-2639 ext 383

I want you to put on a pair of panties.  Let’s go for something girlie, something that hugs your body all the time.  How about something silky and lacy.  I want you to slip them on and feel them pressed up against your skin.  As soon as you put them on, walk over to the mirror and look at yourself.

Tell me if they look right, do they feel right.  Then, take your hand and slide it down, starting with your stomach and start touching yourself.  Feel yourself grow inside them.  Touch yourself and feel the bulge inside those girlie panties.  Continue by rubbing yourself through the panties, feeling it against your skin.  Continue reading “Wear a Pair of Panties Phonesex”


Phonesex With Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Katoptronophilia Is the fetish of having sex in front of a mirror. Or masturbating in front of a mirror. It wasn’t difficult to discover your fetish. A naughty, self-centered narcissist like you. It was easy to know bringing you into a room of mirrors would turn you on. Every angle in which you turn allows you to see yourself. To see me.

Slowly, we’d start to undress each other. The mirrors tossing our sexy reflections back and forth between each other. Making it easy for us to see every smooth curve and firmly sculpted muscle of each other’s bodies. Your cock is harder than its ever been as we watch each other becoming exposed.

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Desperate Housewife Phonesex

*Allison* 844-33-CANDY ext 286

I’m a naughty girl for sure. Being married doesn’t stop me from having fun with other men. My husband doesn’t pay enough attention to me. He cares about his career more than anything. I know I should be proud of him for working so hard but being alone so often makes me feel like a desperate housewife!

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1-844-332-2639 ext 204

Laying in bed I can’t believe I left the window open. The man, well the perv that has been outside my window for over a week every night left me that note. The one I knew was watching me. I have been putting on shows from him because I found It so damn hot that he was out there jacking his cock for me.

Risking being caught for me. He found me so hot that he was climbing up to my balcony every night and looking into my window leaving dried cum for me to find in the morning. That note had said that if I wanted to cum really good to leave the window open and he would come in and make me cum for him.

Continue reading “I left the window open phone sex”

pussy pleasing

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

I’m just going to get straight to the point here.  If I don’t cum soon I’m going to fucking explode.  It’s been… it’s been a minute, ok?  But I’m not wanting a quick cum and go.  I need a real satisfying orgasm.  And I need someone dedicated to pussy pleasing like you are to give it to me. Continue reading “Pussy Pleasing Phone Sex”


xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208


Pussy licking isn’t a skill. If you’ve lived this long while being able to feed yourself there’s no excuse for you not to be able to please my genitals with your tongue. You say you want to pleasure me, but is it true? It’s rare to find a man who actually enjoys eating pussy as much as he claims. Sure, I can hear you now, “But Franny, I LOVE to eat pussy.” Liar.

I don’t care if your ex-girlfriend’s pussy was ranked,  mine is fucking delicious and you’re going to spend days exploring my pussy lips with your fat tongue.

Continue reading “Fall For Francie’s Orally Pleasure Me Phone Sex”

FlashPhonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270  

Boys love tits. Melons, muffins, balloon bags, jugs, you name it, they love them. Whenever I see a sad face around town, I get a secret thrill from giving him a flash or two of my MILF muffins. The most recent boy I flashed was at the skate park on Sunday. I had brought my son and he was doing cray tricks on his skateboard.

Tricks this other boy didn’t seem to know how to do. He tried to copy my son, and then even asked for my son to teach him. They worked together for over thirty minutes and still, he couldn’t complete the simple trick. My boy took off to keep riding and the other boy sat on a cement bench with a pout. I hate to see young boys sad, I knew just what to do to bring a smile back to his face.

Continue reading “MILF Muffin Flash Phonesex With Feisty Wifey Felicity”

Wash Slave Phonesex

844-332-2639 xxx 345

All of my house slaves have strict schedules and chores that they’re responsible for. They love to fight over who gets to wash my perfect body. I enjoy seeing them bend over backward to impress me for the chance to bathe with me. My sessions can get very messy so I require that my slaves cleanse me until I’m absolutely spotless. 

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