I took my little nephew to a birthday party with some other little ones.  He was running around and around with the others.  On one of his trips around the room I knew I caught a whiff of something unpleasant.  I let him make another pass before I snatched him up in my arms on the third trip around.  He quickly found himself flipped over my forearm with his bottom up toward my nose.  I didn’t even have to take a big sniff before I knew it was definitely him in his stinky pamper at a birthday party.


Pew!!  What a stinky boy I have here!

I looked around the room at the other mommies in the room.  They were all also picking up their babies and smelling their bottoms.  I grinned as I watch them pulling back pampers and trying to figure out who the stinky bum was in the room.

No worries!  I found the culprit!  It’s my Mr. Stinky Pampers that has the room smelling so awful.  Can you smell him too?

Every mommy in the room waved their hands in front of their noses.  Pew!  Phew!  What an awful odor they all exclaimed in different ways.

My poor little nephew turned a bright red when he realized everyone in the room knew where the smell was coming from.  He squirmed in my arms trying to get away.  But I kept a firm grip on him and carried him over to the changing station that had been set up.  As we passed, the other mommies exclaimed out loud just how smelly my little Mr. Stinky Pampers was right now.

They waved their hands in front of their noses.  A couple even pinched their noses shut.  So stinky!  So smelly!  What a foochie Mr. Stinky Pampers you have there Aunt Zoey!

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403
