First Outing

Zesty Zoey 1-844-332-2639 Ext 403

Baby K adjusted to the transition from man to toddler phenomenally.  So, he earned his very first outing with Mommy.  I thought a trip to the pool would be perfect since today’s a beautiful summer day.  So, I packed his diaper bag and changed him into a fresh Huggie.  Then I walked him out to the car and put him in his brand new baby car seat.  Little babies ride in a car seat, I reminded him when he whined about the five-point harness being too tight.    He replied, “Ok, Mommy” like a good boy and settled down. I climbed behind the wheel and drove us to the public pool.

First Outing

We arrived at the pool and I parked the car.  I helped Baby K out of his car seat and slung the diaper bag over my shoulder.  We walked over to the entrance and I paid the fee for one adult and one toddler.  The gate attendant smirked and chuckled as she wrapped the toddler wrist band around his wrist.  I guided him over to an empty lounge chair and umbrella.  Then I laid him down on the end of the lounge chair and changed him into his lil swimmer.

I led him over to the baby pool and gave him his baby water toys to play with.  After reminding him to share with the other little toddlers, I laid down on the lounge chair to work on my tan.  After about an hour, I noticed Baby K rub at his eyes and knew it was time for a little nap.  So, I walked over to the baby pool and helped him get out.  I pulled out the changing pad and laid it on the grass under the umbrella changing him back into a Huggie for his nap.  He eagerly laid down on the blanket I’d spread out in the shade and closed his sweet baby eyes.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403