TOM 1-844-332-2639, ext 342

Valentine’s Day Sugar Daddy Phone Sex, that’s right, because sometimes a guy wants an older Sugar Daddy.  When I was still in college I found my first one. He was this older, closeted fag type and a professor of one of my classes. I noticed him staring at my ass when he thought no one was looking and I could see the lust in his eyes whenever he talked to me. I was in need of a Sugar Daddy to help with my expenses and he seemed to fit the bill.

It happened to be closed to Valentine’s Day so I decided to use this to my advantage. The fact was, I was a broke ass college student. Sure, I was hot and good looking but all of the whores I “dated” could only provide me with pussy and possibly free drinks. What I needed was an influx of cash

Valentine’s Day Sugar Daddy Became My Bitch

Valentine’s Day Sugar Daddy Phone Sex – It was almost Valentine’s Day and I knew this fag was loaded. Not only was he a tenured professor and head of the department but he was single with no kids. I also heard through the grapevine that he had inherited a load of money from his parents. This guy was flush with cash and I was basically sitting on a gold mine.

I arranged to “bump” into him on Valentine’s Day at a little dive bar near campus and before the night was over we were back at his place and he was on his knees sucking my big dick. I made him my bitch that night. He financed that entire year for me and while I didn’t actually finish college, I had a great time spending that dude’s money.

Are you looking for a stud toy? Are you just itching to spoil a stud like me? I’m ready to be financially supported by a loser again. Be my Valentine? LOL

TOM 1-844-332-2639, ext 342