Torri 1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

My boss’s husband was taken by complete surprise. He didn’t know what to think as I was riding him hard and fast and he all of a sudden had his wife’s voice in his ear. She had known he was messin around on her and instead of just tellin him that she knew my crazy bitch of a boss decided she wanted to have a little bit of fun before she let him have it. She told me to fuck him.

To make sure it was the best pussy he has ever had. Of course she has had my pussy more than once so she knows just how good it really is. He was real easy to lure in. It was actually pretty funny while I was riding him there and he was gettin so close to coming with his wife standing there. He begged us to stop. He didn’t want to cum right there with his wife. That wasn’t the funny part. The funny part was when he begged and she leaned down in his ear and said.

taken by complete surprise

“Oh you don’t want to come inside of her now? Why? You would have done it if I wasn’t standing here. So be a man. If your man enough to cheat your man enough to do this.” Then so told me to have no mercy to ride him hard and fast forcing him to cum deep inside of me. He did and then I didn’t expect it but he started to cry. He started begging her to not leave him. She again got down to face level with him. “Oh I’m not going to leave you. But your mine now. You will do anything and everything I say or I will destroy you.” She pointed to the top left of the room. I looked too because I had no idea it was there. She had placed a camera and had recorded the whole thing. He saw the camera and started to cry again. He asked her what she wanted him to do. She smiled and it was the scariest thing I think I have ever seen. What was coming next was going to take both of us by complete surprise.



1-844-332-2639 Ext 204

