Girls are curious

Shemale Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

Girls can be so curious. Curious and bold. I was at a sleepover as a young adult, one of my first and last, actually. There were three other girls and I. Somehow, the topic of porn came up, and a few of the girls said they’d never watched one before. Now, this was back in the day when you could drive to a movie rental place and pick up a DVD for a few dollars. The apartment we were staying at happened to be across the street from one of those places.

We ran across the street with giddy laughter and bravely showed our IDs to get into “the back room.” There were a few creepy, pot-bellied older men looking at dirty movie covers as we browsed. They seemed less than impressed with our high-pitched squeals and embarrassed chuckles.

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