Cock Sleeve

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

You kept asking her for a threesome. She said she wasn’t comfortable, but you don’t care about her feelings. You only want to satisfy your burning lust. So, being the thoughtful Princess that she is, your girl invited me over for that threesome you’d been aching for.

I bet you didn’t realize I’d be making you my cock sleeve puppet.

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Cock Sleeve Kayla

Kayla cumsalot 1844-332-2639 Ext 357

At least one of you knows this about me, but I have this desire, this need, to be treated like a cock sleeve. You know the popular male masturbators you can buy that are molded for adult film stars? I’m not saying I want to mold my own and sell it. No, I want you to treat my body like your cock sleeve.

Continue reading “Cock Sleeve Kayla”