Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

My bed was warm, incredibly warm for what the AC should have been set to. Not ready to wake up yet, I shoved rational thinking away and pulled my dream closer to me. I was floating in the pool, the sunshine warming my skin and the water flooding around my hips. My fingers dipped by my thighs as if to swirl the water and move my float across the pool’s surface. That’s when my dream self and reality clashed.

My bed was actually wet. I blinked my eyes open and looked down. Leaky pants had done it again. I smiled, seeing the reason my bed was so warm. My adult baby was sprawled over me; his body heat was overwhelming, like a small furnace. His sweet face was pressed to my shoulder, his big arm over my stomach, and his soggy diaper was humping against my thigh, causing his overnights to leak around my hips.

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