Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

Jeff came home tonight really upset! He said the department had some significant cutbacks, and he found out today that he wouldn’t be getting the Christmas bonus he’d been expecting. He was distraught. Probably more so because even after finding out this awful news, he was told it was mandatory to show up at the company party this evening at his Boss’s house.

I tried to be a supportive girlfriend and tell him that we would figure things out. Yes, we had been depending on that money for rent and the car payment, but somehow money would come through. It had to.

Securing My Boyfriend’s Christmas Bonus


At the party, Jeff’s Boss came up to me and started telling me how beautiful I am. He was touching my back and leering at me all night. Then, finally, I realized I may have just discovered a way of securing Jeff’s Christmas bonus after all.  His Boss was an older, fat man who wore suits that didn’t fit, and he always smelled sweaty. A nasty man, to sum it up, but as I said, we had been depending on that bonus to get us through the end of the year.

I waited to reveal my plan until nearly everyone had left. Then I found Jeff and his Boss sitting in the living room, and I slide onto his Boss’s lap. “Jeff tells me that his Christmas bonus is being taken away.” I pouted at his Boss and began playing with his tie.

“Yes. Very unfortunate but true.” His hand rubbed up my thigh, and Jeff stood up to tell him to fuck off. I raised my hand to make Jeff hold his tongue and then asked,

“What if I slept with you?” His Boss’s eyes got wide, and he cleared his throat. “Would that secure Jeff’s bonus this year?” His Boss looked at Jeff and laughed.

“Is this a joke?” He asked my boyfriend, who was scowling at me.

“I fucking hope so!” He growled. I shrugged and rubbed his Boss’s chest.

“Jeff and I really need that money, and while it may be uncomfortable for Jeff, if you can ensure he gets that money, I can make sure you have a tight pussy to cum in tonight.”

“Krysta, we aren’t this broke!” Jeff yelled, but the truth is that we are. I ignored Jeff as his Boss pulled out his checkbook. “What are you doing?!” Jeff continued to yell.

I watched his Boss fill out the check for even more than Jeff thought his bonus would be and rip it from his checkbook. I passed it to Jeff and smiled. “Securing your bonus. You can thank me later.” Then I got on my knees, and right there with my boyfriend watching, I sucked his fat, old Boss’s cock!



Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410