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What I really want is to have a hot sexy girl come up to me like this one did a while back. I was at a hookah bar with some friends having a good time when this girl came over and sat next to me and my friends.

She was porn star pretty. I guess she had been watching us for a while. I didn’t notice though because I was getting frustrated with this thing you do at these bars. They give you a bottle of bubble soap and you can blow smoke into them and cause these real cool smoke bubbles.

hot sexy girl, I was struggling

There is a trick to it though because you use a styrofoam cup to do it with. Ours was broke so you were having to do it all kinds of messed up but anyway. I was struggling with it and gave up. So she comes over and sits down with a confidence like she knew one of us.

It was just me and 4 other guys I know. We all talked for a while. Giving each other looks like “do you know her” and none of use seemed to. She was pretty cool so I didn’t mind. As we were about ready to leave I just had to ask her.

Hey, do you know one of us? We’re cool if you don’t but we were all just wondering” She laughed and said “Oh no sorry I got distracted talking to everyone I forgot why I came over.” She handed me a piece of paper. I opened it and it was her phone number.

I looked up at her. She smiled and said “I saw you over here struggling to blow those bubbles. I thought since you sucked at blowing you might be gay so here’s my number.” She kissed me square on my mouth and walked off.

Now it’s hard to make Jackie speechless but when I tell you she had me so lost for words I didn’t even notice the shocked look on my friend’s faces until dumb Richard stepped up behind me and said

Girl if your not gonna use that number can I have it? I elbowed him in the gut and laughed. Oh, I called her don’t you worry about that.

I will tell you all about that next time don’t forget to come back next Friday to see what happened when I did call that hot sexy girl!

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