This post is for the Coach. Just because your the teacher or leader of how to play the game does not mean you get to play with the referee. We don’t play we judge and are here to call out your bad moves. So let me coach you on a few things. I learned to stay on the side lines of the game because I’m not a player I don’t need to play to win. Players have to put in practice and practice to test their skills against others and hope that they are better.

Me? I know I am better. I’m not conceded I am convinced. Any move you can possibly think of I already saw coming and have reacted. You can’t touch this, no matter how many hours of practice you put in you will not be able to go against me. Even if you are good. So what are you going offense or defense? Sticking to your plan or going a new route?

Where is your team? Cause newsflash Coach you are all alone. I would have been there for you but you stepped outside of your boundary lines and unfortunately for you that is grounds for disqualification. So next time maybe coach yourself the right way. Not cutting lines and skipping the edges. No cheating, no lying. After all if your the Coach you should be loyal to the game. I should not have to be the one to tell this to you. When you realize the game your playing has become a game against your self and it’s to late you can’t win, you can’t lose forever stuck in a circle trying to get one more point up. But never able to. Call me I will remind you you fucked up.

Paris 1844-33-CANDY EXT 411