Britney 1-844-332-2639ext405

I met this delicious Jamaican man at the bar the other night. His accent was making me wet to hear him talk. I had to take him home. I couldn’t help it. As soon as I met him, it was all I could think about, lucky for me, he felt the same. We went back to my place, and he then placed on the bed, ripped my clothes off. Destroyed by a BBC Phonesex!

As I felt him push harder against my cunt, I realized this man’s bare cock was splitting me open, and the thought of asking him to stop was horrifying.
I was foolish to think for a moment that he was actually inside me. Yes, I could feel myself opening around him, but that was not the same thing.

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Taboo Family Fun With Pandora EXT 283

Taste mommy’s pussy, and jam your tongue inside my slit. Taste the powerful canal that pushed you out. So sweet and juicy, I’m ready for a tongue lashing. Be a good son and do what Mommy asks. I’ll suck you off after or we can do a 69. My mommy pussy needs attention, and I saw you tasting my panties. Get it fresh from the source and pull back my hood to suck my swollen clit.

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1-844-332-2639 ext 411

I am very good with my hands something I and very proud of. I do not mean just on a sexual level but buy building things. For a while, I have had a project that I have been working on something that I have been looking forward to unveiling. A miniature bedroom. This room is filled with a tiny bed, little dresser, and nightstands. About 1/3 scale to the normal objects themselves.

Why you might be asking would I want a room like this? I shall tell you. I have a client who loves the idea of being big. Loves to think of himself as a big man bigger than life. He enjoys that for a woman I am tall at 5 feet 9 inches. He has had this fantasy of us being turned into giants. By some form of magic or radiation any way really.

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Call Me Monica!! 844-332-2639 Ext 229

I went to the funniest party yesterday and had to share it with you guys. Have you heard of a tinkle party? Well,  I was invited to one and went, and I will be going to many more.

When I got there I saw tons of guys and girls just standing around naked. There was a table in the room that had many different drinks on it. I was checking everything out when I started to undress. Just jumping in I went over to the couch which had plastic-wrapped over it and sat down. Continue reading “Tinkle On Me Phone Sex”

BRITNEY 1-844-332-2639 EXT 405

I have such random spurts of horniness, and It’s terrible sometimes. My ex and I were walking through the grocery store. I don’t even know why or where it came from. But it hits me.
I can feel my pussy start to moisten, and I get this feeling in my tummy. Passionate Public Bathroom Phonesex

I don’t know if it was the way he was holding my hand or the way he leaned in and kissed my forehead so sweetly.
Either way, I was ready.

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Tantrums Earn Babies Spankings.  I thought that I would take my little man on an outing.  It was time to do the grocery shopping.  I thought that it would be nice to take my little one with me to spend the day together.  We talked about the rules of going to the store with Mommy.  Then I dressed him in his favorite outfit and pamper.

We got to the store and I told my baby boy to hold onto and to walk by the cart as we made our way through the store.  Little man did well for about ten minutes.  Then he got distracted by all the pretty packages that lined the shelves.

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1-844-332-2639 ext 411

I am often taking photos. Beautiful as I am this is something, I do for lots of different reasons. One being that in my playroom I enjoy having big photos of myself in my different posses in my different Domme attire gracing the walls. Something of a shock value when someone enters to play. It was time for some new pictures on my wall.

I had a session set up to take these pictures. Something was different this time. I am not sure if it was because I was feeling extra sexy that day or the thoughts that were going through my head about my playmates were going to feel coming into my room and seeing the photos of me hanging on the wall. I started to get hot and bothered as the pictures were being taken.

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Your Unhealthy Obsession Phonesex

844-332-2639 xxx 345

There is a reason why you keep stalking me. Waiting for me to respond to you with bated breath. My presence consumes you. You haven’t been able to get me off your mind. Remember when you first approached me and asked me how I manipulate minds like yours? You were doubtful of my abilities but now I’m your unhealthy obsession. You can’t sleep, eat, or masturbate without thinking about your Mistress.

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Mommy Noel <3 1-844-332-2639 ext 379

I love my ABDLs who give me complete control over their diapered butts.  Not just a little control but complete all encompassing control.  I control their dicks, diapers, and potty time.  Do you need a strict ABDL mommy?  I am Strict ABDL Mommy Noelle.  Let’s talk.

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