*LUCY*  844-332-2639 xxx- 221

Always keep a spare handcuff key. I learned that the hard way. When I was in my early twenties, a couple of coworkers and I decided to have some fun with handcuffs. Let’s call them Matt and Jeff. Jeff had a beautiful wrought iron bed that was perfect for handcuffs.

We were all naked and drinking shots of tequila. Dancing around to salsa music. We rolled the dice to decide who would be handcuffed to the bed. High roll wins. It was me. I was naked and cuffed.

Continue reading “Locked With Lovers For 24 Hours Phone Sex”


WILLOW 1-844-332-2639, ext. 230

I always show my appreciation for my Sugardaddy. After all, he treats me like a spoiled princess, so why shouldn’t I thank him and praise him for his generosity. I love the smile I put on his face when I get so excited over his latest extravagance. I also put a different smile on his face when I appreciate his Sugardaddy cock.

Continue reading “Willow’s SugarBaby Loves Her SugarDaddy Phone Sex”


MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, extension 236

You seriously are the delusional, middle-aged man aren’t you? You really thought that you would leave your dumb wife and spend the rest of your life with your hot, young and sexy as fuck mistress. Oh, it was fun at first – you lavishing me with cash and gifts. The surprise trips to the beach, shopping sprees, etc. But then reality hit you. Your marriage was in ruins and you were now not the baller you once were.

Continue reading “Morgan’s Letter To A Delusional Middle-Aged Man Phone Sex”

Strap On Phonesex With Your Wife

844-332-2639 xxx 345

You asked me to ruin your life so I’ll start with your marriage. We both know how much of a whore your wife is so I wasn’t surprised when she quickly responded to my Facebook messages. It only took a few fake compliments for her to open up to me. Things turned dirty real quick. She was so quick to send me her nudes. I could tell that she was ready for some strap on action with me. Continue reading “Strap On Phonesex With Your Wife”

Sweet and Delicious Phonesex

*Allison* 844-33-CANDY ext 286

I know you have had such a rough day at work. You work so hard just so you can come and play with me. Let me help melt all of your stress away. My voice with soothe you as I tell you about all the sweet and lovely things that I want to do together. Close your eyes and get lost with me. I’m your sweet and delicious lover that will tantalize your body and mind.

Continue reading “Sweet and Delicious Phonesex”


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY ext 357

I’m no size queen (Looks up and to the left with a smirk), but I do enjoy a decent-sized cock. It’s heartbreaking when you meet a funny, cute guy and everything is going well and then…You pull down his pants and find… wamp-wa… a tiny pin dick.

I did what I could with it, but it was never FULFILLING. Then he came up with the suggestion of me cucking him. I’d never been happier! I could still hang out with him and enjoy his charming personality but get satisfied in the bedroom! I had the best idea; I would invite DADDY to come to play with us.

Continue reading “Sweet Lovin’ Kayla Cumsalot’s LITTLE Cuck Phonesex”

snuggled in the covers

Sinful Serinda 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 394

It’s late right now.  All day it’s been gloomy and windy.  Actually for the past few days it seems like there’s been no sun.  And now for the past few hours, it’s been non-stop rain.  Weather like this really has me craving something, though.  As silly as it sounds, I want to get under the covers and be held.  It’s the simple things sometimes, right?  All the sensations and emotions that come along with just being close to someone as the rain falls against the window.

Continue reading “Snuggled in the Covers Phone Sex”

Lori   844 332 2639 x 352

How many times have you been in the chat room and watch a girl go away on a hot Phone Sex call and wish it were with you?

What would the two of you be doing on your fantasy ride?  We’re the hottest girls on the net which means we know your kink; what gets you off! Continue reading “FREE PHONE SEX! FREE PHONE SEX!”

taste my teen pussy

Sexy Lexi 844-33-CANDY (844-332-2639), ext. 261

I know you want to try it.  There really is no taste better than sweet, innocent, young teen pussy.  It’s an experience you may find yourself craving day after day.  Something you think about at the most inappropriate moments.  Like in traffic, or in line at the bank, or even when talking with your wife.  She’ll be there just talking away about boring garbage, and then there I am.  My young, innocent, tasty teen pussy.  And you just need another taste, don’t you?

Continue reading “Taste My Teen Pussy Phone Sex”

TWISTED PRINCESS RHIANNA 1-844-332-2639 x 253

Anyone who knows me even a little knows what a tantalizing twisted cock owning Princess I am. Therefore, I insist on having full control. I especially like to have full control over your cock. As a result, I often get my loser bitches to send me pictures to prove to me that their cocks belong to me. One of my favorite and most loyal bitches covers his pathetic little cock in panties. And then he jerks off exactly how I tell him to and when I tell him to. I control who and how and when, if ever, he has sex. I own his bitch ass and believe me, slut, I intend to own yours too….

Each time his cock gets turned on, it’s to thoughts of me…the perfect tantalizing twisted cock-owning princess!

Continue reading “Twisted Cock Owning Princess Phonesex”