Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I keep having this really weird dream. I kinda thought it wasn’t a dream, but when I told daddy about it, he said it sure sounded like a dream, and I shouldn’t tell anyone else about it. So I guess he maybe just doesn’t want people to know how pervy my dreams are. But I kind of wanna tell you if that’s okay.

While I’m sleeping, late at night, or maybe it’s early In the morning before the sun comes up, I don’t really know, but I hear my bedroom door creak open. I pull the cover over my head in case it’s a monster. You know they are supposed to go away if you don’t look at them in the eyes, but this one comes into my room every night.

Continue reading “Monster Dreams”

TS Alexus fucks her boyfriend's dad

TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

Normally, I try to avoid “meeting the boyfriend’s parents,” but Ian was persistent. I’m sure he was picturing a future that would never happen, but after refusing three times and he continued to ask, I caved. Dressed in an overly sexy dress, I let him pick me up and bring me to his parent’s home for dinner.

Ian’s dad opened the door, and my cock throbbed instantly. He was exactly the kind of silver fox I love to dig my dick into. When he gave me a welcoming hug, I pressed myself in a little too tightly and held on to him a little too long. Ian gave me a strange look when we finally parted, but his dad’s hand went to my lower back to welcome me into the house.

Continue reading “Fucking My Boyfriend’s Dad”

Francie cucks you with your wife.

xXx Francie xXx 844-332-2639 x 208

Boys are bad. Bad and dumb. They pursue you, make you fall in love with them, and then you find out they are married. Married with a wife in a big old house with a white picket fence, and even that couldn’t keep them happy and faithful. All they do is lie, but I got a way to punish those naughty husbands who went looking for a side piece and found me. They think they will never get caught up by their lies, but not a single one of those married idiots is fucking slick.

Take you, for example. You’ve been married for a long time and sought out a new hot piece of ass to entertain you. You started spoiling me with gifts and trips. Soon I fell deeply in love with you. This came as a shock to me since I try to guard my heart against such a thing happening. I may not even have known if your wife never called your phone that day you were in the shower after we’d made love for the third time.

Continue reading “Cucking You With Your Wife”

Peeping Torrence

Peeping Torrence xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

We’re on a family getaway, and my brother decided to bring along his best friend. The same best friend I’ve had a crush on since the beginning of time. He doesn’t even notice me, which I guess isn’t a bad thing since I plan on being a little creep this weekend. I walked past his room a few times, peeping through the crack of his door, trying to get a glimpse of his cock. It’s only the 1st day and I can’t keep my eyes to my self. We’re going to have a ball over this long weekend. 

Continue reading “Peeping Torrence”


XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

There is nothing more pathetic than a small dick man. I mean seriously? As minuscule and pathetic as you are you still think that somewhere inside of me, I will give in to you. Give in to wanting to look at your little button cock. Some even think I would let them touch me with that little cocktail wiener. Seriously? I am not kidding. A man or are they even considered a man? Hmmmm… we will leave that for another day. But the keeper of the one-inch wonder truly believes that a woman like me would let that centimeter peter inside of my precious hole. I know, humorous right? Asking if I would touch it. Yeah right. The one that is hung like a gerbil has no chance of pleasing a woman, but they still try. 

Continue reading “Panties for those Hung Like a Tootsie Roll”

Cougar M.I.L.F. SUMMER EXT 381
Cougar Abuses your cock and you love it! Let my experienced hands around your cock great hand job, and squeeze. Baby I’m going to squeeze so hard that you’re going to whimper in pain. I might even take my nails and dig into your ball sack. I know it feels so good to have a Dominant woman twist your manhood. It is just a little pleasure and pain mixed and that swells your balls. Let me hurt that sensitive groin area of yours. Twisting and pulling your testes until you beg me to stop. I need a good reason to stop hurting you. So if I let go of your balls, does that mean I can pierce your cock head? Continue reading “Cougar Abuses your cock”

Topless Felicity cups her breast

Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

Jason is such a cutie when I dress him up as Jessica. I love how he blushes and twirls in his skirts. We really do have so much fun when we play together, but I have to be honest, I’m growing bored of her body. Strapping her into lingerie just isn’t as much fun as I want it to be. When I pluck her fake nipples, she just doesn’t squeal like I want, so I’ve told Jessica to meet me at my house for an adventure.

She was nervous. We have only recently started going out in public with her dressed as her true self, but I’ve reminded her to trust me. As her Mistress, I would never lead her astray. What she doesn’t know just yet, though, is that I’ve booked her a breast augmentation consultation for today with the best doctor possible!

Continue reading “Breast Augmentation Consultation”

naughty neighbor

XXOO Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

Naughty Neighbor Laylene always is thinking of something you can do for her.

Trick or Treat – do you have something good for me to eat? Like do you know what is missing this Halloween night? My lips around the head of your cock and my hands gently stroking you while I deep throat you. That always seems to get me what I want. Let me tell you about my afternoon. I always miss the delivery guys so when my hot neighbor came by to drop off a package, I decided that I wanted his package too. I smiled and told him just that, well in so many words.

Continue reading “Trick or Treat – Have Something Warm for me to Eat?”

cross dressingRowan Ext 360  1-844-33CANDY

All Hallows Eve cross-dressing practice with Rowan. This time of year it is so easy for you to come out of the womens clothes wearing closet. My best friend uses every Halloween as a chance to dress female. We go all out and get him the snazzy and sexy outfits that make him feel whole for a night. Like a whole ass whore, but I will get to that. We load up my jeep with all of our goodies we have shopped many months for.

His daddy and momma would have a heart attack if they knew he loves being a cross dresser. He’s so pretty too. His smooth young face is already feminie and that ass is bodacious. We travel about 40 miles to the nearest gay bar and get a room. It is magical to see my best friend let his true self out. Long wigs, corsets, hosiery and heels are our building blocks. I start from the bottom up with a good shower scrub and oils that smell divine. Nair and my five-blade razor help to create the perfect sissy canvas. Continue reading “All Hallows Eve cross-dressing practice”

Turning my boss my pet part 3

Turning my boss my pet part 3 xoX TorrenceXox (844-332-2639) ext 415

Walking into the office, hearing my heels clicking against the floors. Today is going to be a great day. It’s 7:55 am, and to my surprise, Mr. Willoughby is already sitting at his desk, typing away on his computer. So I stopped to have a word with him . “Someones punctual today, my BBC must’ve scared you huh?” I said with a sinister smile. All he did was look up at me and roll his eyes then ignore me. Hmm someone is sassy this morning! “ Well since you have a hard time keeping your eyes from rolling around in your head, I need to see you in my office after work. Don’t worry you’ll be paid for your time! “ I marched off into my office, leaving him to think about what his little attitude just caused him. At this rate, he’s going to be my pet forever.

Continue reading “Turning my boss my pet part 3”