Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453
After making his fantasy cum true, I was planning Vinny’s next step. He knew I had a plan and I’m sure he knew what it was. I got Eddie to help me plan everything since he has an underground sex room that’s like Fifty Shades of Grey. Being a personal trainer and fitness club owner, he’s into equipment! He has every kind of sex machine, and sex furniture that there is to have. I couldn’t believe some of the contraptions. I had so many questions and he had all the answers. He’s so knowledgeable about all the different toys and tools. I was so excited for Vinny’s next step!
I went over to Eddie’s early so we could make tacos. Soon Vinny, Charles, and Adrian arrived. We had some Mexican martinis and played some adult board games that soon led to Truth or Dare. Before we knew it, we were ready to head downstairs. I could tell Vinny was excited. I led him in and saw his eyes light up like a kid’s on Christmas morning when he saw everything. I took him over to the sex swing. Eddie strapped him in and we were ready to begin. There were