Craving Older Men

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

I’m craving older men. Not in an ‘I have Daddy issues’ kind of way but in an ‘I want an experienced man to show me the time of my life’ kind of way. I’ve heard my friends talk about the benefits of being with a man who knows what he’s doing, and if you don’t want a fumbling idiot drooling over you while he humps you, then they say you have to let an older man between your legs.

I want to do that. I’m waiting for a slat-n-pepper/silver fox to teach me what my body is capable of. Are you the man I’m lusting after? Continue reading “Craving Older Men”

Robotic Rita 1844-332-2639 Ext 413

Robotic upgrades are in constant demand. I find my settings updating and evolving nearly hourly. My newest feature is this incredible alien technology. A tractor beam pussy! I can manipulate gravity to hold objects in place and even retrieve them with it. Yes, once my shiny new beam of pussy light is locked in place, I can pull objects directly into my dripping slit.

Being equipped with such a powerful instrument, I had to test it. A Robot may be instantly skilled at every task it performs, but I am an ever-evolving, constantly learning AI, after all. Practice makes perfect.

Continue reading “Tractor Beam Pussy”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 A few weeks have gone by since our first steamy night together. I would’ve never thought that the sweet, shy, salesboy would end up being my Dom. No one would ever imagine that he could be capable of these things. I never know what to expect. Every night with him is more exciting than the last. He always brings me a new pair of sexy stilettos and something else, always some kind of kinky sex toy that I’ve usually never seen or heard of. But he always knows exactly what to do with them. He turns me on like I never imagined possible. I’ve never felt that kind of pleasure before. The way his hands caress every inch of my body with such dominant authority makes me feel so safe. I miss him and crave him when we aren’t together. I wonder if he has other subs that he meets at work. After all , we don’t really communicate much during the week except for planning our next get together. He’s so mysterious and that only adds to the intrigue and excitement. But sometimes I have to stop myself from longing for more.

My heart is racing as I’m waiting…

Continue reading “My New Dom”

The Tie

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 His eyes turned gray and glazed over as he watched his fingers slide between my toes as if in a trance. I close my eyes, lay back, and enjoy his strong hands having their way with my feet. My fantasy starts to wander when all of a sudden he stops. I open my eyes and snap back into reality. The look on his face is intense. I see his huge, rock hard cock through his black slacks. I look up at him with a flirty grin, but his look is very serious. Is he upset? I wonder. My heart starts pounding as he grazes up my inner thigh with his hand. He stops about three quarters of the way up. Our eyes are locked as I wait with anticipation for his next move. He starts to remove his tie but the look in his eyes is dark. I’m beginning to get scared. Where is the sweet, shy, salesboy from the shoe store?  I can’t believe I invited this stranger into my home. He takes my hand and guides me up off the sofa, picks me up , and sets me on the dining room table. He ties my hands together

Continue reading “The Tie”

Sherry 1844-332-2639 ext 399

After teasing my boyfriend throughout the day, I finally got him alone in his office. I sent him a racy photo to help him as I guided him to ecstasy. He told his secretary he was having a phone conference and not to disturb him as he locked his office door. I could tell he was so hard for me when he said hello.

Continue reading “Office Masturbation”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 Soaking in a warm bubble while sipping on a glass of wine, my imagination starts to wander and so does my hand. Before I know it, I’m deep into fantasy about the sweet salesboy that’s going to hand deliver my brand new red satin stilettos. Oh, yeah! I quickly remember that he’s going to be here soon and I have a lot to do! I hop out, dry off, sit on the side of the tub, and proceed to squirt warm oil all over my feet, I thoroughly rub it into my soft, pink soles. My red toenails are the perfect shade to match my new shoes. I slip on a simple, slinky, little black dress and tiny red gstring. After hair, makeup, and a dab of my seductive natural perfume, I’m ready!

I put out some cheese, fruit, bread, and a couple of glasses. The bottle of wine is breathing. And I’m waiting in anticipation. Soon I hear a knock at the door. It’s him! My heart begins to race with excitement. I run to the door and open it. His eyes grow big, as if surprised to see me. He has to remember me, the shoes, my size….

Continue reading “Red Satin Stilettos”

Naughty Naomi 844-332-2639 ext 216

A new hot neighbor moved into the apartment next to mine.  We passed each other in the hall several times.  I noticed the way he checked me out when we met.  So, I never doubted that I’d be able to turn on my charms and seduce him.  I decided the other day, that it was time to make my move.  He didn’t seem to have a girlfriend who stopped by.  Perhaps he visited her.  But that wasn’t my problem.  So, I put on my shortest skirt, most revealing top, and the sexiest high heels I owned.  Then, I grabbed a bottle of booze and knocked on his door.

Continue reading “Breaking in the Hot Neighbor”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

I haven’t been able to stop thinking about my encounter with the salesboy at the shoe store. The way he caressed my feet with that look in his eyes. I can’t help but get so wet when I think about it. I wonder if he gets that turned on by a lot of women’s feet. He probably doesn’t even remember me.

Butterflies flutter through my stomach as I call the shoe store. I’m really hoping he’s working today and he answers. My heart stops as I hear a female voice on the other end of the line. ”Uh, hello, I was in your store last week and I’m wondering if you’ve gotten a shipment in because you didn’t have the shoes I wanted in my size.” “Please hold” she says. Disappointed, I wonder if I should just hang up and go in. But just as I’m about to.. ”Hello, Ma’am?” says a sweet young man’s voice. My heart sinks, I know it’s him! “Uh, YES!?” After a brief pause, his voice changes.  I think he knows it’s me! Now I’m really nervous! “How can I help you?” he asks in a much more serious tone. Trying to act calm and

Continue reading “Feet Fetish”

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

As I sit in embarrassment with the whole store watching, I look up to see the sweet salesboy holding out a hand for me to grab so that he could help me up off the floor. I reach up and grab his hand. He’s nervous. His hand is trembling and sweaty but he holds on tight, as if he really cares and wants to get me safely onto the bench. I look up, he’s blushing and sweating but our eyes lock. He helps me onto the bench but we can’t take our eyes off each other. “Are yyou ok, ma’am?” he stutters with a quivering voice. “Yes, I’m fine, thank you, just a bit embarrassed” I smile up at him and can’t help but blush myself as I feel a surge of energy and palpitations between my legs.

He kneels down between my legs and grabs the red satin stiletto and shows it to me as if to showcase model it in his hands for approval. My heart skips a beat, it’s so gorgeous! I start to fantasize about what I can wear with them and where I can go in them. I want them! I need them! And I


Continue reading “Sweet Salesboy”

Sherry 844-332-2639 ext 399

I can tell something was stirring in my heart, it yearned for something more, a night filled with pleasure and pain. My full desire is to lure men and women to their knees. My beauty demands obedience. I am the sultry seductress, a temptress who lures in unsuspecting souls with my irresistible charm Continue reading “The Temptress”