VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, ext. 232
Tax time means it’s time to pay and we both know what that means. It’s time to shut up and pay up. You are definitely in need of some financial counseling from yours truly. You know my reputation for financial domination. I show no fucking mercy. I am always about the business of fucking you over and believe me, business is good. There are so many pathetic and dare I say worthless men to fuck with. Rinse and repeat then discard.
I will of course need to scour through your financials first and see what I want to plunder. That’s just the first step. You obviously can’t be trusted to spend your money wisely. Just look at all of the money wasted on that so called family. They don’t care about you. You are just a meal ticket. As yourself what the return on investment is. Very bad decision making there. That’s why you need me to turn it around.
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