Bad Bus Driver

Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

I had this job as a bus driver once. It didn’t last long.Seems as though parents don’t like it when you take kids on unscheduled field trips to your house. I couldn’t help it though. They Mama’s wasn’t even there at the bus stop! And those youngin’s just wanted someone to show them love. And love ’em was exactly what I was planning to do.

I waited a few weeks, waitin’ to see if it was spontaneous or a habit, and sure enough, this one little boy was always getting off the bus in a bad neighborhood and walkin’ all by himself. I was worried, ya know? There are so many pervs out there.

Bad Bus Driver


After seeing what I saw, I told the little cutie that we was gonna go on a little field trip so he couldn’t get off the bus where he normally did. He was so excited and sat in the seat behind mine bouncing around, asking about where we would go. I laughed and told him that he was invited to my pool! Told him I had a diving board and a big slide for him to play on. As more kids got off the bus and it started to get empty, he began to look sad.

“Mrs. Lea, I don’t have my swim trunks,” he pouted. The last kid got off and I closed the bus door, feeling anxious to get him home.

“That’s okay! It’s real private in my backyard. Just me and my husband will be there, you can swim in your undies. You do got undies on don’tcha?” He giggled and squealed a loud,


I parked my big ol bus in front of the house and took his little hand. I just knew my hubby was gonna be real excited for the company. Actually, this little field trip was a precursor to his incarceration.


Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244