RHIANNA 1-844-332-2639
It was a hot afternoon, I mean really hot. The sun was blazing down from the sky like the proverbial motherfucker. Emma my sissyslut sidekick was behind the wheel fumbling through the radio stations looking for some road trip tunage. “Ooh,” she said stopping on the opening strains of “It’s Raining Men” by The Weather Girls. “I just love this one. Don’t you Rhi?”
I was like “nah,” and switched the radio off. “I’d rather listen to cum dry,” I said out of the corner of my mouth. “Oh such a spoiled sport,” Emma said before continuing to blather on. “Did you know that song was co-written by Paul Shaffer of SNL and David Letterman fame?” I didn’t know nor did I care, but rather then tell Emma that, I pointed out that we were running low on fuel and should look to stop for a fill-up. After a few more miles and more inane trivia…