diaper bag

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna decided she would bring her baby to the mall to buy new clothes. She packed his diaper bag just in case. But while they were there, he noticed a huge lineup of people that were waiting to go see Santa. He tugged at Mommy Anna’s dress and asked her if he too could go see Santa, to which of course she gave in and said yes.

Mommy Anna goes to the Mall with her baby

While in line, Mommy Anna’s baby said he wasn’t feeling well. He asked if they could go to the washroom. ‘’No!’’ Mommy Anna said ‘’We can’t leave now, we’ll loose our spot in line. Her naughty boy confessed and whispered in her ear that he had an accident in his pants while waiting. Mommy Anna gasped, she told him she couldn’t leave him like that. And so she laid him down in the lineup and began undressing him, taking off his coveralls and exposing his tiny pp so that she could clean him and change him into diapers.

He was absolutely mortified and humiliated! Everyone in the lineup was staring at him, some people were even pointing and laughing. He begged Mommy Anna to hurry up and finish but she just kept on and took her sweet time. When she was finished, he begged her to put his coveralls back on. ‘’Silly boy,’’ she said ‘’I couldn’t possibly do that, your coverall pants are soiled and stinky!” she said out LOUD in front of everyone, so loud that the front and back of the lineup heard!

She took his soiled pants, wrapped them into a ball of filth and hid them in a plastic bag, then stuffed them in her diaper bag so she could wash them when they got home. ‘’You can’t leave me like this Mommy!’’ he said. ‘’Oh yes,’’ said Mommy Anna, you will wait in line and stand and go see Santa in your diapers, and that is how you will stay!


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203


