This is a story about a naughty boy named Ronnie and his sister Zoey who found themselves Tossed Over Mommy’s knee and spanked.

“Ronnie!” Zoey squealed pointing to the top of the fridge.  “Cookies.”

Tossed Over Mommy’s Knee

“We can’t have any Zoey, Mommy Serinda said no cookies till after dinner.” Ronnie tried to remind Zoey.

“She won’t miss 2 little cookies if we just climb up there and get them ourselves.” Zoey continued pressing the issue.  Zoey grabbed one of the kitchen chairs and began to drag it over to the counter.

“Zoey!  Don’t!  You’re going to get us in trouble!” Little Ronnie whisper yelled.

“Don’t be such a scaredy bitch!” Zoey told Ronnie.

Ronnie gasped loudly.  “Stop saying naughty words!  No, Zoey, get down!”  Ronnie tried to grab Zoey down scrambling up on the chair and counter after her.

That’s when Mommy Serinda walked into the kitchen.  Zoey and Ronnie standing on the counter with Zoey reaching for the cookie jar.  Mommy Serinda didn’t even have to say one word.  She just crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her toe on the linoleum flooring.  Zoey and Ronnie slowly climbed off the counter and stood with their heads hanging down.

On the way to the corner

Mommy Serinda simply extended her arm and pointed to the dining room.  Zoey and Ronnie shuffled out of the kitchen and directly to their designated naughty corners.

On the way to the corner, Ronnie poked Zoey in the back “I told you, you were going to get us in trouble,” he whispered.

Zoey heard Mommy Serinda pop Ronnie right on his behind.

“No talking on your way to the naughty corner, you know better Ronnie.”

Zoey smirked but it was quickly erased away with a sharp word from Mommy Serinda.  So, Zoey continued her trek to the corner with her head lowered.

“Don’t you smirk at him young lady, I know who the ringleader is here.  Ronnie may have earned a trip over Mommy’s knee for a hand spanking.  However, you, young lady, have once again earned the nursery paddle on that bare behind.”

Zesty Zoey

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