Ariel 1-844-332-2639 Ext 290

As most of you know I started university this week. The campus has been filled with not only hot staff, but hot students galore! Now the really scandalous bit is that I am a mature student but I am in introductory classes. This means that I am in class with a LOT of really Really REALLY young folk. I mean we’re talking barely legal. May have to be checking ID’s before I consent! After my last class of the day, I was taking my sweet time getting my stuff together because the class was all emptying at once. There is no class in that room after ours so I think this might be my new study area if they’ll let me. Professor Hot Stuff had left for the day and it was just a cute guy and myself lagging behind seemingly for the same reason; avoid the rush. But I had other things in the back of my mind involving this classroom encounter.

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