family fun pnone sex

Sandy 844-332-CANDY ext 213 Family Fun Phone Sex

Family Fun Phone Sex brings me super close to my favorite callers. Like BabydickFaggot, one of his internet alias. He also goes by fun names like BoiLover and another of my favs which I can’t even say here….. You know… the “P” word. Even though he trys and trys to deny that he is big “P”!

He started out saying stupid stuff like “I’m not a actual “P” I just wanted to try age play.” Ya right!?! The more I get to know him, the kinkier he is turning out to be. He has a girlfriend, but he admitted yesterday “The other night I couldn’t keep a hard on with my gf to save my life. u talk about ur young boy and I blow my load in seconds.” A true jailbait phone sex lover, if I ever saw one! Continue reading “Family Fun Phone Sex Especially For BabydickFaggot. My Special Caller!”