It was Saturday night Daddy and I went to a dungeon party at Club Sin; we went to every dungeon party they held and had been for five years. So I knew all the people who usually did the Wheel of Sin at their dungeon party were not there. It was the person who was typically the dungeon mentor. Figuring that something came up as they never miss a dungeon party, I thought nothing of it but also thought it was strange, and my best friend thought so too.
We went to go dance for a bit, and then I decided I wanted to do the Wheel of Sin still. So I went to get in line. While I was waiting, the line was only getting bigger as she was by herself, so being a switch, I decided to ask her if she needed some help. She said that would be lovely. Are you ready right now? She asked, and I told her yes, I am Continue reading “Dungeon Party Wheel Of Sin”