Bitch Up

Belle 1844-332-2639 X 444

Walking down the hall, I heard a huge commotion from the boy’s locker room. As head cheerleader, I opened the heavy door to see what was happening. Right there, between the row of lockers and the wooden bench, was some nerd getting shoved and pushed by four football players. “Hey, yo, what the fuck!” I shoved between the players to help the cowering nerd sit on the bench.

His eye was swollen, and his lower lip was cracked. I dabbed it lightly with my pleated skirt, and the bigger boys laughed. “Look, he needs cheer-mommy to come save him.” They laughed as I glared up at them and knew there was only one way to get this nerd out of the locker room in one piece. He’d have to bitch up.

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