1-844-332-2639 EXT 330

So many cocks with such little time. I literally have them lined up waiting for me. It’s like taking a number boys this pussy will be with you shortly. All these men standing out in my hall to my bedroom. Stroking their dicks out in the open.

Not caring that the other men are there and can see. Mainly because they are all doing it too. So who cares? I’m a good host too. With lube, stations spread out men can look around for the lube that works best for them.

So many cocks ready to fuck feeling

The one that makes their cocks feel that nice ready to fuck feeling. Drinks and snacks too. I won’t these men to keep up their strength. I plan to have a long night of fucking. Why so many? Well, let me tell you.

My bitch cuck of a husband thought it would be a good idea to try and tell me what to do. He thought it was about time for him to show a little backbone and step up to the plate. Of course, all I could do was laugh at him and his sorry excuse of primal male power.

He thought it would be a good idea to tell me that I couldn’t keep fucking all these men and women all the time. That I was his wife I needed to let him and him alone have my pussy that we took vows. He’s right we did.

This little display of men coming in left and right to fuck my brains out while I have him bound and gagged in a corner to watch all the fun is just a little reminder to him. A reminder that yes we had vows but nowhere in those vows did it say he was to be treated as my sexual equal.

That I could not fuck anyone I wanted. This is all to prove my point. Extreme eh maybe. But will he learn his lesson? Your damn right he will. So many cocks to choose from I wonder who is next in line. I hope it’s you!

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